Book Wyrm's Treasure

The front of this bookstore is adorned with a charming sign of a gold dragon curled around a treasure hoard of books and scrolls. Inside, the shop is decorated with beautiful hardwood, and the earthy scent of old books permeates the air. The library fills two floors of this three-story building, and it somehow seems to contain more shelves than the building should be able to hold.   Services The shop contains books of all sorts. In addition, Rishaal has a small collection of spellbooks and allows wizards to copy spells from them at the cost listed in the Spells for Sale table.    He can scribe any of these spells as a spell scroll but charges twice the listed cost for this service.   25 GP
  • Comprehend languages
  • Detect magic
  • Feather fall
  • Find familiar
  • Mage armor
  • Magic missile
  • Shield
  • Unseen servant 
75 GP
  • Arcane lock
  • Continual flame
  • Darkvision
  • Invisibility
  • Magic weapon
  • Misty step
  • Rope trick
  • Suggestion
150 GP
  • Clairvoyance
  • Counterspell
  • Dispel magic
  • Fireball
  • Fly
  • Nondetection
  • Waterbreathing
300 GP
  • Arcane eye
  • Fabricate
  • Greater invisibility
  • Ice storm
  • Locate creature
  • Polymorph
750 GP
  • Bigby’s hand
  • Cone of cold
  • Modify memory

Articles under Book Wyrm's Treasure


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