Cora Mulphoon

Cora is eager to please and apologizes at the slightest provocation if she thinks the characters are not pleased with her service. She explains briefly that her adult son and only child, Huarwar, used to help with the chores until two months ago. If the characters ask Cora for more information, she says that her son had joined a search party to find Speaker Shalescar after he went missing during a blizzard one afternoon. The speaker was brought back safe and sound, but Huarwar got separated from the others and didn’t find his way home until the following morning. He had frostbite and could barely walk.   Over the next few days, Huarwar displayed a meanness toward his mother that was uncharacteristic. The change in his demeanor started after Cora found what looked like a shard of black ice in her son’s room. Huarwar snatched it away and threatened his mother with bodily harm if she touched it again.   The next day, two tieflings (a male and a female) arrived at the inn and offered Huarwar sanctuary in their castle. He left with them willingly, taking the shard with him and telling his mother that he would never return. The tieflings wore amulets that looked much like the shard in Huarwar’s possession. Cora misses her son terribly and she hopes he is still alive. She recalls that one of the tieflings mentioned a castle, and she knows that there are only two castles in Ten-Towns: an intact one in Caer-Dineval and a ruined one in Caer-Konig.
Current Location


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