
Fala Lefaliir is an outgoing wood elf with long, braided hair. Like the elven god Corellon Larethian, Fala is neither male nor female. If referred to as “he” or “she,” Fala gently requests to be addressed by name or as “they.”   Services In addition to nonmagical herbal remedies, Fala sells potions of the types listed in the Fala’s Potions table. Fala keeps 1d6 vials of each potion in locked cabinets behind the shop counter.   Fala’s Potions   Potion Cost Potion of animal friendship 125 gp Potion of climbing 50 gp Potion of healing, greater 250 gp Potion of healing 50 gp Potion of water breathing 250 gp
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Jul 13, 2020 18:44

They seem pretty on the ball!