

Gray Hand

  • +7 Reknown (Junior Gray Hand)
  • "Find the Stone of Golorr and return the gold to the city of Auburg."


  • +1 Reknown (Watcher)
  • "Find the Stone of Golorr and return the gold to the city of Auburg."
  • “Uza Solizeph is an old woman who sells books out of a narrow three-story building on Sorn Street in the Trades Ward. She claims to have trapped a monster in her shop and fears for the welfare of her books and her cat. The City Watch isn’t likely to lend a hand, given Uza’s propensity for tall tales, but the Harpers owe her a favor. You’ll find her sobbing at Felzoun’s Folly, a tavern on the corner of Sorn Street and Salabar Street. Make haste!”

Lords' Alliance

  • +3 Reknown (Redknife)
  • "Find the Stone of Golorr and return the gold to the city of Auburg."
  • “Harko Swornhold, an evil adventurer who was exiled three years ago for attempting to bribe a city magistrate, has returned to Auburg illegally. We think the Xanathar Guild is using him to incite violence. He was last seen recruiting Kenku in the Dock Ward. Find him and quietly put him to the sword.” -Gavin Duststone
  • “A gang war is causing unrest throughout the city. We have offered protection to members of the Dungsweepers’ Guild, and you have been assigned to protect a group of them. Meet them at the Muleskull Tavern, on Ship Street in the Dock Ward, at six bells and guard them while they work. Do this every day for a tenday.”

Order of the Gauntlet

  • +0 Reknown
  • “A notorious thief called the Black Viper, long thought dead, has apparently returned to Waterdeep. She has already robbed at least a dozen noble estates. No one knows her identity because she wears a mask and a vivid purple cape. Rumor has it she's a noble. Discover her identity."
  • “We hear that the Zhents are paying gangs in the Dock Ward to attack suspected Xanathar Guild members. Fights are breaking out in the ward daily. Go to the Muleskull Tavern and stop a fight before it happens. We need to send a message to these thugs that further altercations won’t be tolerated.”

Xanathar Guild

  • +1 Reknown (Gazer)
  • "Bring the Stone of Golorr to Xanathar. His sources indicate that Grinda Garloth, a resident of Mistshore, had her hands on the ring."
  • "Kill Qrr’zarq."


  • +4 Reknown (Wolf)
  • "Yafeera has heard from some squatters that someone had the Stone of Golorr at the Converted Windmill."
  • "Hide Istrid from the city watch for a ten-day."
  • “Skeemo Weirdbottle has betrayed us! The little worm has been feeding information to our enemies. He must be eliminated. Make it look like an accident.”
  • “Auburg's richest halfling family, the Snobeedles, is offering 1,500 gold pieces for information leading to the safe return of a missing family member named Dasher Snobeedle. Investigate and see what you can learn, but don’t get in any trouble. The City Watch already has it out for us.”

Miscellaneous Quests (Orange)

The Splendid Order of Armorers, Locksmiths, and Finesmiths  
  • +1 Reknown (Apprentice)
  • "Protect the Splendid Order of Armorers, Locksmiths, and Finesmiths by maintaining an affiliation with the Zhentarim."

Trollskull Alley

  • "Collect Alfrabula flowers for Mrs. Ashblade."
  • "Return with interesting treasures."

Completed Quests

  • "Investgiate the Temple of Gond & Galhund Estate for more clues on the attack in Troll Skull Alley."
  • "Legend holds that my father hid a large amount of gold somewhere in the city. Many groups think they can find it by using an artifact called the Stone of Golorr, which was in the hands of the Xanathar Guild until recently. Apparently, someone stole it. The Zhents thought I knew something about all of this, which is why they kidnapped me, but I don’t. My father and I haven’t spoken in years." - Renaer

The Splendid Order of Armorers, Locksmiths, and Finesmiths

  • "You are now a member of the Guild, and eligible to be an apprentice."
  • "Head to the docks and protect the shipment of precious metals."

Gray Hand

  • “Defeated Nihiloor. Xanathar is using intellect devourers to take control of citizens in key positions throughout the city. We must deal with this problem at once. Infiltrate Xanathar’s lair and destroy whatever is responsible for creating these creatures.”+2 Reknown)
  • "Kill Meloon to defeat the Intellect Devourer within him. Then bring him back to life. If this can't be done, retrieve Azuredge." - Vajra (+2 Reknown)
  • “A member of Force Grey has been acting strangely of late. His name is Meloon Wardragon, and his happy-go-lucky demeanor has soured. He’s been hanging around the Yawning Portal more than usual. Observe him for a tenday, then report back to me.” - Vajra (+1 Reknown)
  • “A young bronze dragon has taken up residence in the Harbor. It startled a few sailors recently but hasn’t hurt anyone. Confront the dragon and learn its intentions.”(+1 Reknown)
  • “Seek out Hlam, a monk who lives in a cave on the side of Mount Waterdeep. Ask him what he’s heard about threats to the city, but try not to annoy him or overstay your welcome.” (+1 Reknown)
  • “I am Vajra Safahr, the Blackstaff. Come to Blackstaff Tower in the Castle Ward at once. Bring your friends.”


  • "One of the drays working in the city is pulled by a talking mare named Maxeene. Locate her, find out if she’s learned the identity of any Zhent operatives, and if so, determine their whereabouts. Return to Mirt and give him an update on the Zhentarim agents." (+1 Reknown)
  • “Renaer tells us you are a good bet. He bought you tickets to the opera tonight at the Lightsinger Theater in the Sea Ward. If you are interested, meet Mirt at intermission. Private Box C. Formal attire is required for admittance.”

Lord's Alliance

  • "Retrieve evidence about the Gralhund connection to the Cult of Asmodeus." (+1 Reknown)
  • "Set up an operation against the Xanathar Guild." (+1 Reknown)
  • "Contact Jalester Silvermane at the Yawning Portal for employment opportunites on behalf of the city."(+1 Reknown)

Order of the Gauntlet

  • "Come to the Halls of Justice in the Castle Ward to learn more about the Order."

Xanathar Guild

  • "You defeated Nihiloor." (+1 Reknown)
  • (FAILED) "Break the Kenku out of prison, then have them killed for messing up."
  • (FAILED) "Assassinate Gavin Duststone, a guard who has been prying too much. 50,000 GP bounty"
  • "Return with the brain."(+0 Reknown)


  • "Discovered the connection between the Gralhund's & the Rogue Zhents & the Cult of Asmodeus." (+1 Reknown)
  • "I would like to know more about what happened at Gralhund Villa. If you can spare the time, meet me at Ahghairon’s Statue in the City of the Dead at highsun. You’ll be paid generously for your time and trouble." "Set up an operation against the Xanathar Guild." (+1 Reknown)
  • “There’s a shop in the Trades Ward called Weirdbottle’s Concoctions. The gnome who runs it is a friend of ours named Skeemo. He’s made some potions of mind reading for a client. Pick up the potions and deliver them to the God Catcher, one of the enormous statues in the Castle Ward. Give the potions to the lady in the purple cloak, and keep the tip.” -Message from Davil (+1 Reknown)
  • “Someone is killing elf and half-elf sailors in the Dock Ward — three dead so far, each one decapitated by a blade in the dead of night. Look into it, will you? Methinks the City Watch could use a little help.” (+1 Reknown)


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