Steam & Steel

During daylight hours, smoke and steam billow from the many windows around this indoor forge where metal weapons, armor, and tools are made.   Weapons
  • Battleaxe:  10 GP
  • Club:  1GP
  • Dagger:  2GP
  • Flail:  10 GP
  • Glaive:  20 GP
  • Greataxe:  30 GP
  • Greatclub:  2GP
  • Greatsword:  50 GP
  • Halberd:  20 GP
  • Handaxe:  5 GP
  • Javelin x3:  1 GP
  • Lance: 10 GP
  • Light Hammer:  10 GP
  • Longsword:  15 GP
  • Mace:  5 GP
  • Maul:  10 GP
  • Morningstar:  15 GP
  • Pike:  5 GP
  • Quarterstaff:  1 GP
  • Rapier:  25 GP
  • Scimitar:  25 GP
  • Shortsword:  10 GP
  • Sickle:  1 GP
  • Spear:  1GP
  • Trident:  5 GP
  • War Pick:  5 GP
  • Warhammer:  15 GP
  • Whip:  2 GP
  • Breatplate: 400 GP
  • Chain Mail:  75 GP
  • Chain Shirt:  50 GP
  • Half-plate: 750 GP
  • Plate:  1500 GP
  • Ring Mail:  30 GP
  • Scale Mail:  50 GP
  • Splint:  200GP
Craftsman, Blacksmith / Smithy

Articles under Steam & Steel


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