The Raging Lion

Well guarded with secure stables. It is generally unclean throughout, and a dirty gilded lion stands outside. Sometimes the residents leave a severed animal head in the lion's open jaws as a joke, and sometimes the heads of intelligent creatures are left there as a sinister message or warning. Inside, the chamberpots are also gilded lion heads. The staff of the establishment are known for being slow and leisurely.   Services
  • Ale: 5 SP
  • Coach Cab (within the city): 2 GP
  • Lodging: 4 GP / night
  • Meal: 2 GP
  • Messenger (within the city): 1 GP
  • Stabling: 1 GP / night
Vehicles & Equipment
  • Carriage: 100 GP
  • Cart: 15 GP
  • Chariot: 250 gp
  • Pack Saddle: 5 GP
  • Riding Saddle: 10 GP
  • Wagon: 35 GP
  • Draft Horse: 50 GP
  • Riding Horse: 75 GP
  • Mastiff: 25 GP
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