


"The Heroes of Icewind Dale have defeated Iriolarthas and destroyed his Staff of Power. While they wish they could spend more time investigating Ythryn, more terrible apocalypses await them. Vellynne wil return to Icewind Dale and this place will once again be isolated from the world. The world... the world is in bad shape. There aren't many people willing or able to dedicate themselves to any sort of common defense. At this point, people are surviving, and barely, at that. The fiendish hordes were headed for Icewind Dale until Auril caused an avalanche and locked them all out... at least for the time being. After taking once last quick look around for anything valuable, they head for the Saltmarsh region. The heroes head to the Hamlet of Manistrad to deliver a letter to Brad the Champion... and save the world.   Roll Investigation, Perception, or Insight twice - once for yourself and once for a combined party roll. The results determine what kind of loot you obtain on your way out of Ythryn."""
* * *
Manistrad founded this hamlet in her youth. However, when fiends first appeared in the region, she dedicated herself the the local temple. She became a war priest in defense of the Saltmarsh Region. Brad, the human champion of the Saltmarsh Region (and a good friend of Lord Chad Feldrin) rejected the traditions of royalty and the empire. He spent his youth adventuring with Lord Feldrin instead of serving in the Norse Military. Feldrin was pardoned, but Brad was never welcomed back to the empire. He made Saltmarsh his home, and Brad is now the rather effective leader of the Saltmarsh militia. He and his forces are known for being a formidable opponent on and off the battlefield. Lopuq the Tortle is a powerful Archdruid who is devoted to protecting the flora and fauna of Saltmarsh. Together, Brad , Manistrad, and Lopuq have dealt with threates to the region. Now that Moloch's hordes are approaching, they need help to defend one of the last bastions of humanity on Valmars. The Heroes of Theros have just returned from their epic adventures, and have sailed into Manistrad. To them, it's only been a year, but the to the citizens of Saltmarsh it's been decades. It seems even longer than that with the looming apocalypse. The Heroes of Icewind Dale arrive shortly after the Heroes of Theros, and they work together to defend Saltmarsh from Moloch's armies. The hordes will be here in only one days time! Hopefully, they will be able to learn more about where these hordes are coming from.

27. [SIDE] Lord Feldrin.
Deliver a "special note" to his friend Brad in Saltmarsh.

Completed Quests

1. Garret returned to Keegan with Boy and the rest of the pack, along with a new member, the baby yeti.
Keegan, from Targos
"It’s a lot to ask, but could I persuade you to go up to Kevlin's Cairn and find Garret and his companions? I don’t have money, but the proprietor of the Luskan Arms is a friend of mine. I could get you some free rooms at the inn."

2. You've recovered the sled and Garret has returned its inventory to Hruna.
Hruna, from Bryn Shander
"We’re the survivors of a group of dwarves tasked with delivering a sled of iron ingots to Bryn Shander. A yeti surprised us and killed a member of our group. The rest of us fled as the yeti tore Oobok limb from limb. Now we need someone to go back and get the sled for us. As payment, we offer each of you a gemstone worth fifty gold pieces. The friendship of the dwarves of Icewind Dale can also be a boon in these harsh times. You’ll need snowshoes to make the trip in good time."

4. You're notified the Shorard Sisters that you have taken care of the invisible thieves...the Duergar.
The Shorard Sisters

Return to the Shorard sisters.
"Take care of the invisible dwarves."

7. You've discovered the remains of the missing fishers, and retrieved the Cauldron of Plenty. Ten-Towns doesn't have to worry as much about starvation now.
Imdra Arlaggath

"Some fishers have gone missing on Lac Dinneshere, and she wants you to take a boat and search for them. She knows where the fishers like to fish and urges the characters to search that part of the lake first."

5. You have defeated Durth, and he is in custody in Easthaven.
Evidence from the Duergar StrongHold
Investigate the Duergar presence in Easthaven.

8. You have kept the Cauldron of Plenty safe.
A Paper Bird in Easthaven

A paper bird arrives with an anonymous message. It indicates that the Cauldron of Plenty you returned to Easthaven is very valuable. A skilled thief who could turn invisible could be a threat to something like that. As might a corrupt Town Speaker, like Naerth Maxildanarr who's rumored to be a member of the Zhentarim. You must make sure the Cauldron can be used by the people of Ten Towns instead of stole for personal gain.

11.The Dwarves Feast upon the food you bring them.
Danneth Waylen, Easthaven
The people of the Dwarven Valley need food & supplies. Deliver them to Krumdair, the Guard Captain in the Dwarven Valley.

12. The Nameless King Rests Peacefully
The Nameless Dwarven King, The Forgotten Tomb

Retrieve the Nameless King's sword and return it to the Tomb.

13. Akar has been Neutralized.
Krumdair, The Dwarven Valley

Neutralize Akar Kessel, the necromancer.

14. Queen Reddith is no longer under the necromancer's influence.
The High Priestess, The Dwarven Valley

The people of the Dwarven Valley whisper that Queen Reddith is ill. It is causing unease in the Dwarves. They would be greatful if you were to intervene.

16. The Ice Worm has been defeated.
Krumdair, The Dwarven Valley
Neutralize the Ice Worm.

18. The Frost Druid has left Icewind Dale.
Nimsy Huddle, Lonleywood

“Our loggers are being terrorized by a white moose,” says Speaker Huddle, “and the beast has eluded the hunters we’ve sent to kill it. We depend on the forest for our survival. I wouldn’t be a very good town speaker if I let a dumb moose get the better of us. Will you help?”

3. Copper Knobberknocker continues Macreadus' research. Copper Knobberknocker from Bryn Shander
Return to Copper with Macreadus' notes.
"I'm worried about my friend named Macreadus, who is conducting research at an old cabin in the wilderness. If you find yourselves nearby, I'd appreciate it if you looked in on Macreadus. He's trying to build a device that could end the eternal winter and return summer to Icewind Dale."

22. Oarus Masthew, the speaker of Termalaine, thanks for you for helping with the mine. He welcomes the Kobolds.

23. You have freed T'rex from his possession, and released Janth Alowar.

6. Sephek has been stopped - he was a vampire!
Helina Trollbane in Caer-Konig
“Sephek Kaltro works for a small traveling merchant company called Torg’s, owned and operated by a shady dwarf named Torrga Icevein. In other words, Sephek gets around. He’s charming. Makes friends easily. He’s also Torrga’s bodyguard, so I’m guessing he’s good with a blade. I will pay you a hundred gold pieces to apprehend Sephek Kaltro, ascertain his guilt, and deal with him, preferably without involving the authorities. When the job is done, return to me to collect your money.”

9. Turns out, Prudence was a "victim of the Vampire Lord, Sephek..." She has been cured of her evil influence and regains society but decides to stay in Bremen enjoying her life as a singer.
Waylen, Speaker of Easthaven
Waylen asks you to track down Prudence, and bring her to justice in the name of the people of Easthaven. She has betrayed the city.

20. The Lake Monster Plea was a victim of Sephek and is now free.
Vernon, the bartender at the Blue Clam in Termalaine
Investigate the Lake Monster in Bremen.

24. Speaker Naerth was victimized by the Vampire Sephek. He is stepping down as speaker, leaving a power void as Targos waits to elect a new leader.
Oarus Masthew, Speaker of Termalaine.
Help remove the corrupt speaker of Targos.

19. The Speaker has been freed from the Cult of Levistus. Rumors in Lonelywood
In Caer-Dineval, no one has seen the town speaker for a long time. Locals say Speaker Crannoc has fallen ill, but sinister figures have been seen entering and leaving the castle at odd hours.

17. You rescued Truthstriker from Revel's end and returned her to her tribe. Maveith Wyrmdoom, Wyrmdoom Crag
Find Oyaminartok's favor to gain the support of the Wyrmdoom Goliaths.

30. Sikki-kree is home.
Return him to his tribal village along the Spine of the World.

32. Defeated the gnolls at the Cackling Cavern. The Cackling has been silenced.

34. The Winter Wolves have left and the mammoth has moved into Dougan's Hole.
Trouble in Dougan's Hole
Speaker Edgra Durmoot has sent a message requesting help from your party.

33. Returned the Psi Crystal to the Gnome Illithid.
Psychic Signal.
Investigate the downed craft and the psychic signal it is sending out.

35. Helped Copper Escape the Goblins, and kept the peace!
A goblin messenger from Karkolohk was recently captured in Bryn Shander and found to be carrying a declaration of peace from Chief Yarb-Gnock. Speaker Duvessa Shane is asking for your help. Visit Karkolohk on behalf of Ten Towns, and investigate this "declaration of peace."

15. Befriended the Ancient White Dragon
Queen Reddith, The Dwarven Valley
Discover the lair of the White Dragon and neutralize the threat.Queen Reddith, The Dwarven Valley
Discover the lair of the White Dragon and neutralize the threat.

21. The Goliaths have worked together and tripped with a dragon, so I guess that means they're cool now. At the very least, they'll help defend the region.
Rumors in Termalaine.
Resolve the fued between the Skytouch and the Wyrmdoom Goliath Clans. Meet the Chiefs at the lair of the White Dragon and hunt it down with them.

25. The Verbeeg have been befriended and will hang out with the Mammoth to keep the area safe.
Trouble in Goodmead.
There has been trouble in Good Mead and the shipments have stopped. Go investigate.

31. Truthseeker, Wyrmdoom Crag. You have recovered the Reghed tribespeople from the Auril cult in the Berserker's Cave.
Investigate the Ice Maiden Cultisits at the Cave of the Berserkers.
29. Thavian myth.
Dzaan 2 has been made real.... forever!
but only for 7 days. He was given life by a wish from Vellynne.
Investigate the Lost Spire of Netheril.

10. Journal in Easthaven, find Fort Sunblight
You've stopped the Chardalyn Dragon and Ten-Towns was victorious in the battle with the Duergar forces. Xardorok is defeated.
Xardorok still lives at Sunblight, regrouping for another attack.
Stop the Duergar from carrying out their evil plan to create a chardalyn dragon.

36. [SIDE] The axe has been retrieved, and returned to Ogolai.
Get the Goliath axe back from the Dragon's hoard at the Dark Duchess.

37. [SIDE] Yselm has been defeated, as has the Frost Maiden's Champion at the Jarlmoot.
Yselm, a human druid, has sought you out and requests you full moon,” she adds, “the spirit of Reggaryarva, jarl of jarls, will open his treasure vault to anyone who defeats his champion.”
accompany her to the Jarlmoot. She is on a quest to reconnect with her ancestor spirits. “On nights of the full moon,” she adds, “the spirit of Reggaryarva, jarl of jarls, will open his treasure vault to anyone who defeats his champion.”

40. [MAIN] Auril has been defeated, and the sun rises again on Ten Towns and Icewind Dale.
Copper Knobberknocker, Bryn Shander.
“They say the Frostmaiden lives on a misty isle hidden among the bergs in the Sea of Moving Ice. There’s a mighty strange whale with a boat on its back that swims in those frigid waters. I bet it knows where the island is! You can catch the whale at Angajuk’s Bell, an old anchorage, but you must ring the bell hanging by the pier to call it.”

"After defeating Xardorok, our heroes must now find a way to defeat Auril and return daylight to Icewind Dale. Copper Knobberknocker has given them a lead on where her lair may be. They also have the threat from the Cult of Asmodeus to deal with. Avarice, with the resources of the cult, are after something in the legendary hidden Netherese city of Ythrn. The city is buried deep below the Reghed Glacier, through the Caves of Hunger. Velynne Harpell, a contact from the Arcane Brotherhood, is on an explorator mission to the area, and is seeking powerful ancient magics there as well. "

38. [SIDE]You've rooted out the Cult of Auril in several Reghed tribes. As long as there is one believer, Auril will reform every winter solstice. However, she'll be defeated in the spring with the returning sun.
Ulhora Weavebender, Reghed Shaman. Determine Yselm's real motivation. Is she a member of the Auril cult? Have the Reghed tribes been corrupted by the Cult of Auril?

26. After defeating Auril and freeing the souls from Moloch's Black Soul Gem, the heroes return to Ten-Towns. On the way, they see hordes of fiends rampaging across the countryside to the North - what used to be the Norse empire. They seem to be influenced by a massive floating object - the Eye of Cthulu. The iris of the eye is a sprawling city, and the pupil pulses with aberrant lightning.

When they arrive in Bryn Shander, they meet up with Velynee Harpell. They prepare for the next leg of their trip - the Caves of Hunger and then Ythryn. You must use the “Rime of the Frostmaiden” to open a crack in the glacial wall at a place where a waterfall once tumbled down the glacier. The newly formed passage leads to the Caves of Hunger, a dungeon that was sealed off by the Frostmaiden long ago—a network of sepulchral ice caves haunted by ravenous beings. These chambers must be successfully navigated to reach the Netherese city of Ythryn.

According to Vellyne, ancient magics lie deep within these caves. If Avarice reaches them and uses them on behalf of the cult of Asmodeus, the end of the world might be hastened! These ancient magics might even be enough to stop the Eye of Cthulu.

39. [SIDE]Vellynne has reached Ythryn and Avarice has been defeated.
Vellynne, a human wizard, has sought you out and requests that you keep her safe in the ancient city of Ythryn, "a lost city of the Empire of Netheril, whose wizards created many of the magic items we find scattered across the world today. It holds magic beyond our wildest dreams.” In exchange for her wish to make Dzaan the simulacrum the reincarnation of Dzaan, the party agrees to accompany her to the Caves of Hunger.

28. [SIDE] Warden Marta Marthannis has been teleported to Gauntrlgrym and has returned, freed from her spirits.
To rid herself of Vlax’s spirit, she must visit the Brawnanvil crypts in Gauntlgrym, a dwarven fortress under Mount Hotenow


Auril has been defeated and spring has returned to Icewind Dale. However, a more terrible threat presents itself to the world - an evil army of fiends is rampaging across Valmars. Only small pockets of the old civilizations still exist. Even the wizards of Thay have become unresponsive to magical messages, and the worst is assumed for their homeland. Have the cities of the Underdark, the Empyrean, and the Pelagium survived the waves of terror sweeping the world?

Seeking magics which may help protect Icewind Dale and any surviving regions from the impending doom, the heroes have made their way through the Caves of Hunger, defeating Avarice (and the Cult of Asmodeus...or all seems rather political) and preventing her (or them?) from obtaining the powerful magics that lie within Ythryn. Vellynne agrees to provide each of the members of the party with one artifact from Ythryn as a reward for dispatching Avarice. The party camps in the Frozen Dryad Grove before continuing their journey into Yhtryn.

Ythryn... the Ancient Netherese city, eons forgotten, rests in the silent depths of the Reghed Glacier. Ice encloses the enclave on all sides, yet the ancient magics imbued in its stonework shield it from utter frozen destruction. Ythryn is now a corpse city—a tomb for those who perished here and a death trap for those who dare to explore its ruined, glaciated halls.

Valmars has 4 Adventurers


  • Bremen
  • Bryn Shandr
  • Caer-Dineval
  • Caer-Konig
  • Dougan's Hole
  • Dwarven Valley
  • Easthaven
  • Good Mead
  • Karkolohk
  • Lonleywood
  • Revel's End
  • Targos
  • Termalaine
A small rocky planet, 4th from its sun. On its surface a mixture of climates and ecosystems. The far north is an arid desert, as this part of the planet is always tilted towards the sun. In the south, a frozen, sunless mass of ice. A large landmass in the east is marked by a truly gargantuan mountain. The west is marked by a large crater and many swampy islands

It is orbited by a large asteroid upon which sits Cumulus City, the capital of the Empyrean Empire, an alliance amongst the people of the sky. The Empyrean includes the highest peaks of Valmars, as well as the hundreds of small object orbiting the planet. Travel far enough up and eventually you'll reach the planes.

"Don't forget, falling isn't the scary part... landing is."
-Volothamp Geddarm

Below its surface is the Underdark, a vast network of underground caverns and tunnels. The Underdark's underground landscape varies from small subterranean fissures almost impossible for adventurers to crawl through, to wide expanses of deep water hiding coral caves, hollowed out sections of ice in which creatures live, and places where fungus, bones, or even pure force form "caves."

"Absence of light results in darkness. So, what results from the absence of Good? The Underdark is a place with very little of either."
Stages of Intoxication
1 Disadvantage on Ability Checks (excluding Con)
2 Speed Halved
3 Disadvantage on Attack & STs (excluding Con)
4 Intelligence score halved. Hungover Effect (see below)
5 Unconscious.

Hungover Effect (see below)
Removing Intoxication
Short Rest
A Short rest will remove 1D3 levels of intoxication as long as no further Alcoholic Potions are drunk during the short rest.
Long Rest
Taking a long rest will reset the Intoxication level down to 0, however if the intoxication level before the long rest is a 4 or 5 then the Hungover effect will happen (See below).

Remove Poison
Effects that remove the Poison Condition reduce the Intoxication effect level by 1.
Hungover Effect
If the character's Intoxicated level is 4 or more at the point of starting their long rest. They finish the long rest with the following effect.
0 Intoxication Condition Level
1 Exhausted Condition Level