History of Valmars

Fourth Era

212 1

  • 0 4E

    11 The Fading

    The Signing of the Imperial Alliance
    Political event

  • 165 4E

    20 Storm's Claw

    Assassination of the Emperor Mountaingem by Regina & Reginald
    Life, Death

  • 166 4E

    10 Uktar

    Founding of the Heroes Guild in Cumulus City by Tom

  • 182 4E

    13 The Fading

    Defeat of the Cult of Tiamat
    Disaster / Destruction

  • 204 4E

    21 Highsun
    211 4E

    31 Uktar

    Imperial Rebellion
    Military action

Fifth Era

  • 0 5E

    1 Deepwinter

    Dissolution of the Imperial Alliance
    Political event

  • 20 5E

    1 The Melting

    Assassination attempt thwarted in Krag-Scar
    Disaster / Destruction

  • 20 5E

    7 The Melting

    Investigation begins - the PCs travel to Rusty Banks

  • 20 5E

    8 The Melting

    Outpost Zeta is captured by the PCs
    Military action

  • 20 5E

    8 The Melting

    The Silver Dragon Argentum Awakens
    Life, Milestone

  • 20 5E

    10 The Melting

    Another assassination attempted thwarted!
    Criminal Activity

    The PCs prevent an attack on Gina.

  • 20 5E

    12 The Melting

    Death and Revival of Temperence
    Life, Failure / Mishap

  • 20 5E

    1 The Fading

    Auburg, Day 1
    Life, Relocation

    The characters arrive in Auburg. On their first night there, they watch as Yagra is attacked by a group of Xanathar Guild bandits. Temperance took bets on the fight, and gave the winnings to Yagra after she was revived.

    Next, they meet up with Volo, who mentions that he'd pay them for their help. His friend Floon has been kidnapped and is being held by the Xanathar Guild. With Yagra's help, they infiltrate a Zhentarim Hideout that was recently taken by the Xanathar Guild. While there, they meet Renaer, who is trapped and can't escape. They are also "rescued" by Gavin Duststone.

    After the incident at the Zhentarim hideout, they follow the clues to the Xanathar Hideout in the sewers. There, they rescure Floon after pretending to be a member of the guild.

    They return to Volo, reuniting him with Floon. However, they also learn he is having some financial trouble. He can't pay them, but he can sign over the deed to a house in Trollskull Alley. The characters head there, and attempt to sleep. However, their first night there a Spectre makes its presence known. After a restless night, they awake on their second day in Auburg.

    Additional timelines
  • 20 5E

    2 The Fading

    Auburg, Day 2

    The characters awake and speak further with Volo. They learn there is no publisher - he's just in severe gambling debt. His presses were taken by the Zhentarim as collateral. The speak with Yagra and make a deal to become Volo's new publisher in partnership with her.
    Next, they head to the Blackstaff, where the meet Vajra and agree to help her. They Seek of Hlam on the mountain, and return with a prophecy for Vajra.

    After returning to Vajra, the characters are sent to the harbor to investigate a young bronze dragon which has taken up residence in the Harbor. It startled a few sailors recently but hasn’t hurt anyone. They dragon is friendly as long as it is treated kindly.

    After making contact with the dragon, the characters meet Mirt at the opera. They are tasked with tracking down Maxeene, the talking horse, and learning what intelligence she may have picked up on the Zhentarim.

    Additional timelines
  • 20 5E

    3 The Fading

    Auburg, Day 3


    On the morning of the third day, they once again awaken from a restless night of sleep. They meet their neighbor, Ms. Ashblade, who brings them cookies. They also receive a psychic reminder from Nihiloor that a brain is owed to them.


    They meet the Guildmaster of the Splendid Order of Armorers, Locksmiths, and Finesmiths, and decide to protect them using their inside agents in the Zhentarim. They also investigate a string of killings in the docks on behalf of the Zhentarim. More problems on the streets, but this time it's the Bregan D'aerthe.


    They return to Nihiloor with a brain from one of the dead Bregan D’aerthe. Nihiloor is pleased.

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  • 20 5E

    4 The Fading

    Auburg, Day 4


    The characters go to Gavin, and warn him of the hit out on his head. They also meet Skeemo Wierdbottle, and deliver a potion to a mysterious woman in purple.


    The Lord's Alliance sets up a sting attack on the Xanathar Guild at the Metal House of Wonders. They leak info to the Zhents, who slaughter the Xanathar Guild agents.

    Additional timelines
  • 20 5E

    5 The Fading

    Auburg, Day 5


    An explosion rocks Trollskull Alley. Apparently, the target of a Xanathar Assassin Squad was taken out right in front of Troll Skull Manor. He was looking for someone to protect him because he had the Stone of Golorr. Unfortunately, a Niblewright got to it first.


    The head to Gralhund Villa, where Urstol Floxon and a gang of renegade Zhents are attacking.


    After getting the details from Yafeera, the characters meet with Mirt, and disclose the names of the renegade Zhents to the Harpers.

    Additional timelines
  • 20 5E

    6 The Fading

    Auburg, Day 6


    They meet the Dungsweepers, and accompany them for the morning.


    They observe Meloon, but notice nothing out of the ordinary.

    Additional timelines
  • 20 5E

    7 The Fading

    Auburg, Day 7


    They meet the Dungsweepers, and accompany them for the morning.


    They observe Meloon, while Onyx descends into the pit. She retrieves a cursed sword, and is forced to go return it to the Undermountain.

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  • 20 5E

    8 The Fading

    Auburg, Day 8


    Early in the morning, Meloon is seen struggling with the Axe. They learn it no longer wishes to be held by Meloon - or whatever Meloon has become. They spend the morning accompanying the Dungsweepers.


    They get Meloon drunk, and take him "out on the town." They jump him down a dark alley. However, once he is defeated, the Blackstaff arranged for him (and Xoblob) to be revived following the removal of their Intellect Devourers.

    Additional timelines
  • 20 5E

    9 The Fading

    Auburg, Day 9


    They meet the Dungsweepers, and accompany them for the morning.


    They break into Wierdbottle's, and discover his connection to the Xanathar guild. They also steal some potions. A few "guards" come by while Onyx and Temperance are inside, but Zero One bribes them to "forget about it." They follow the "guards" into a trap, and barely escape from a team of assassins. Onyx is the only left with any intelligence. He calls Maxeene with a paper bird, and head to the Holy Hands Temple. Azadahn restores their brains with a Greater Restoration spell.

    Additional timelines
  • 20 5E

    10 The Fading

    Auburg, Day 10


    They accompany the Dungsweepers, but this morning two of them are acting "off." They discover they've been the victims of an Intellect Devourer. They send for the Blackstaff, who takes them away for treatment.


    The characters infiltrate Xanathar's Lair, where they meet Flutterfoot Zipswiggle. He helps them find Nihiloor and then leaves. They defeat Nihiloor, much to Xanathar's surprise and amusement. They head back to Trollskull Manor for the night, where Flutterfoot now stays, along with the Kenku and Istrid. Renaer works the bar.

    Additional timelines
  • 20 5E

    11 The Fading

    Auburg, Day 11
    Discovery, Exploration


    The characters wake up in the morning and head to Muleskull Tavern. They spend the day accompanying the Dungsweepers with nothing more exciting than a game of Three Dragon Ante during the lunch break.


    They head north to investigate the Temple of Gond. On the way they stop at Weirdbottle's, but he's still a little upset about the whole thievery thing. They get the Nimblewright Detector, and track down the nimblewright at the Gralhund Manor. After doing some recon, they leave with evidence of their connection to the Cult of Asmodeus.  They return to Valetta where they meet Gavin and keep him updated on their progress.  FInally, they head back to Trollskull Manor for the night.

    Additional timelines
  • 20 5E

    12 The Fading

    Auburg, Day 12


    The characters wake up in the morning and head to Muleskull Tavern. They spend the day once again accompanying the Dungsweepers.     Evening

    They track down the Gazer at Uza's house for the Harpers.  Then they take it back to Xanathar's lair and confront him with the truth.  After Xanathar dispatched Qrr'zarq with an apparent wish.  Onyx works on repairing the Dream Nullifier while the others rest for the night.

    Additional timelines