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Eons ago they came across the seas and settled in the world. They came before the other races and were able to master the world around them with practices we call magic today. However, as the other races filled the continent, the Eldar became increasingly reticent to share their knowledge with others. They also retreated into their own enclaves and a new era began. The Eldar do not die, from old age or the wearing out of their bodies. For this reason, they would not enter into the squabbles of dwarves, humans, or orcs even for a just cause. Why would they risk their immortality for a cause that would be a memory to them in another few centuries?   Some people have learned more of their magic. Their magic is not theirs alone. Magic always makes a trade of resources within the world. Something must be spent before something else is gained. The dwarves know this and use magic sparingly, in fact outlawing it in many of their realms. The lives of humans are too short to regularly make use of such forces. The other races choose their times and places to use balance and chaos in the world. For that is what magic is, a balancing of chaos unleashed in the world.   Few know how many Eldar remain in the world. Many have returned across the seas. Others have become servants of lore, arcana, and history, serving as second class citizens but holding great potential in reserve in order to be seen as useful. The disgrace of the Eldar is their immortality. It cripples their ability to value anything else. Some are good. Many are indifferent and impotent. A few are clearly evil and bent on righting perceived slights.   There is something new though. A few, very few, of the Eldar have begun to talk about a new light, a new beginning in the world. The industrialism of the dwarves has scarred the world for years, and these Eldar long for a new balance with the world and all those inhabit it. These few work toward a balance of all things.   Typical appearances: 1.9m to 2.1m, Long, straight hair which is grey, silvery, or shades of black
Skin pale white to ash black
Blue, white, grey, or green eyes
Muscular but typically thin (High metabolism which causes most to eat regularly; Vampires are a subset which maintain a rule in a far off area which is lore to most inhabitants of the world)
Immortal due to age; may still die in combat.

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