BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

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Humans came from the tropics on simple boats. Their skills and culture were basic when they first arrived in the world and The Eldar called them children when they first encountered them. The Eldar could see a spark for ingenuity and a desire to survive in these newly met people. Since those days, humans have gone on to settle most of the known world. Although a few sacred Vergar cities are more complex than the biggest human cities, the humans are growing rapidly. The human city of Valia may have already exceeded the population of any dwarven enclave by hundreds of thousands of people.   Humans have been able to apprentice themselves to Vergar scientists, Eldar mages and historians, industrialists, and all other types of work in the world. Although their metallurgy does not yet rival the Vergars, the ability of human scientists to develop other technology has surpassed the Vergars in many other areas.   Human cities have become epicenters of learning. Since most Vergar are only concerned with the labor and taxation possibilities of humans, humans have gone on to found schools and universities where they have discovered the secrets of vaccines, diversified agriculture, and the molecular world. This has allowed them to make industrial and transportation advancements alongside the Vergar and with their approval. Steam airships and railroads now allow the movement of goods and people through the worlds.   Humans have never organized an independent army on their own. The Vergar have been very careful to try to guide these people as they have grown. The people grow wealthier, wiser, and restless though. We should so much of the good of humans be set aside for the good of the Vergar. Should not human beauty, influence, and power grow in the world.   Scientists working in Valia and some of the Eastern cities have recently discovered an explosive powder as they explore the world of elements and chemistry. Their original goal was to find a way to make gold to send to the Vergar via tribute. This may be better than tribute; it may be a way to end tribute. Although the scientists have been careful to communicate through secretive means, their discoveries have been monitored for years by Vergar spies. The threat of humans has grown very real and now dominates the closed discussions of the emperor’s cabinet. The Eldar have also become aware of this development within humans and want to help bring about a balancing of the world. Sylvar no longer rules the world.   Typical appearance: 1.6m to 1.9m Skin tones, hair and eyes are as varied as our world. Typical lifespan in this world is about 75 years; some live to twice that age. Health is generally good, but somewhat poorer in the largest cities where access to clean water and agriculture suffers to the rapid growth of population. Health care and hospitals have been part of human culture since the first villages were founded. Doctors secretly apprentice themselves to good Eldar who teach them healing. Hospitals are near city centers and their meeting and record halls serve as the central repositories. Humans are generally curious and have access to every available profession except those set aside for the Vergar nobility and priestly caste. All land-ownership is recorded with Vergar priest-clerics who maintain extensive records. Every human pays some sort of fealty tax to local Vergar lords via the priest-clerics.

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