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No one is quite sure when or where the Vergar first appeared. Even the Eldar, who had kept to themselves for many years, first noticed a few cities and settlements clustered around different mountain ranges. These cities had actually been growing for years within the mountain and the Vergar only emerged en masse when they were in need of more trading and hunting supplies. By this time, they had mastered the arts of metallurgy and stonemasonry to a level no other races had even imagined.   The Vergar’s crowning achievement with metals was sylvar. It shone as brightly as highly polished aluminum, achieved the hardness and durability of granite, while being malleable and light. For this reason, the Vergar crafted sylvar into only the finest instruments of war including armor and some weapons.   Very rarely, a Vergar craftsperson will become interested in how the world works. Such people will turn their attention to inventions and finding out new things; these few become scientists. They have sparked the recent developments in trains, air-machines, and even the use of electricity. Overall, most Vergar want to gain more of the world for themselves. They delve deep to build lavishly. The jewels and wealth they gain are seen as part of their family heritage and names are deeply important to every Vergar.   A priestly caste (The Order) has emerged around the bureaucratic element of the Vergar. In name, there is one high emperor of all the clans. In reality, the emperor is the puppet of the bureaucrats which aim to control a smooth running empire where wealth flows toward the top. The currently recognized geo-political divisions in the world are the results of Vergar maps and treaties. Even if other peoples rule themselves, they pay some fealty to the Vergar.   Order, rule, and systemic control of the surrounding world is the state of being for the Vergar and the world as they know it. Elements of the world seek to topple this empire for various reasons. This is one reason magic is outlawed. Magic changes the order of things. Magic brings about chaos and change. Magic stands in opposition to stability. Other things which cause disruption are discouraged through high taxes (alcohol, gambling, etc.) although the Vergar own some establishments which both produce and sell these experiences.   Typical appearance: 1m to 1.5m All skin tones common to humans, but also some who have grey and brown hues which are more similar to stone and earth tones. Some Vergar are able to change their skin tones to match rock when they are underground. Eyes are any color, but larger than a humans. Vergar often wear glasses or other eye protection above ground. Some males may have beards. Fastidious when not mining. Heads are larger than humans, as are every part of their appearance. These people are stronger and smarter than most they will come across and are not to be trifled with in encounters. Their hands are surprisingly nimble and they have developed many tools. Typical Vergar lifespan is 800 years, but some live to be over 1,000.

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