Arveer Bloodbane

Arveer Bloodbane

I, Arveer Bloodbane, do hereby confirm with this signature that this document is a legitimate recounting of the events of my life and possibly last adventure. I do not know how my journey will end and I know that I may very well die in my pursuit of my sister Serelia and her kidnappers. Therefore, I believe it to be crucial to document my events should my sister survive this ordeal or the people of my home require a memoir of one of their heroes. According to my older brother of eight years Balthazar and my older sister of six years Karlia, I was born 20 years ago in the wagon of a merchant caravan that my family had bought their way onto. Although I do not remember much about them, my siblings and the people of my home claim that my father was a famous adventurer named Lorgar Bloodbane and that my mother was a priestess of Morwen named Sheva Bloodbane. A year after I was born, our family found a home in a village within a beautiful valley known as Whiteriver. Given my father’s fame and my mother’s good nature, the town instantly fell in love with them and adopted us into their families almost immediately. One year later however, a few months after my second year, my mother died giving birth to my younger sister Serelia. According to my brother and the older members of Whiteriver, my father found it hard to have a good relationship with her and seemed as though he blamed her for our mother’s death. Apparently, there was a deeper part within him that loathed his outward disdain of his daughter and it would be two years after she was born that he would decide to go on one last adventure to hopefully find peace with the death of his wife. This would be the last time any of us would see or hear of him however and it would be up to the villagers of Whiteriver to take care of their hero’s family. Fortunately for us, our parents had found a great deal of treasure during their travels and had left it all behind to us in their will. Now you may be wondering why these modest villagers would not just take the treasure and leave us with nothing and you have a justifiable reason to be curious about that. My answer however is that you do not know the people of Whiteriver like we do. They all came to this place to live free lives that centered around hard work, a warm hearth, and all the comforts of home. Money was not an issue for them, but honor and integrity were everything. My brother was an interesting character throughout all of this because he was a very responsible person and felt an inner compulsion to protect his family. Therefore, it would be at the age of twelve that he would take a job as a miner at the Whiteriver Silver Mines so that we would have something should our inheritance not be enough. At the same time, my sister Karlia, who was very disciplined and intelligent, would study under Laurence Orion, the town’s enchanter, as his apprentice. Given our two-year age difference, my sister Serelia and I did everything together and were each other’s best friends during our youth. I was also close with my brother as I thought of him as my father figure and mentor. I still try every day to be at least half the man that he was during his prime. My sister Karlia was another story however as she was always so focused in her work and other things that she never set aside a large amount of time for me and my sister. We weren’t on bad terms per say but we didn’t have the best of relationships. Once I turned twelve, Balthazar chose to become a crusader of Lorwen and swore an oath to protect the innocent, remain honorable, and act with courage. At the same time, Karlia would use some of the inheritance that was left to open an apothecary within the village and run it with her childhood best friend Esme Morvane. I chose to learn how to fight and became a rather reckless child as I would put myself into dangerous situations with natural obstacles, predatory animals, and sometimes violent people. I almost died a few times, but I learned how to adapt to different situations and became great at what I did. I then became the apprentice of Ursha Kealva, a half-orc blacksmith at the age of thirteen. She became the mother I never had during this time and my sister Karlia would recount this as a slight upon her. I learned a great deal from her during our time together and I do hope that if she is still alive that she is both happy and in good health. My sister Serelia was another matter entirely however as she had begun learning from the town’s local musician how to play the flute and the lute almost every day. She was so good at what she did that she actually surpassed her mentor and decided to enhance her artistic vision and expand her knowledge of music by traveling with a group of minstrels known as “Wyatt’s Wild Wildlings” or WWW for short. They would travel to places all across the land including the major city of Garrison to the north of Whiteriver. She would always play at our village’s annual “Festival of Nature’s Grace” where we would celebrate the prosperity of the village and all of the many people who made sacrifices to make it what it was and hopefully still is today. Things did not remain peaceful however as on the day of my eighteenth year, a tribe of human barbarians known as the “Grey Hawks” invaded Whiteriver, killed the Town’s guards and our liege lord, and took our women and children. Fortunately, my family and I were spared as they did not take kindly to Dragonborn slaves. When the remaining townsfolk had regrouped and formed a militia to attack the barbarian encampment, my pure of heart brother Balthazar was the first of my family to volunteer his services. My sister, not wanting to see her brother commit suicide alone, volunteered to accompany him. He was initially opposed to her involvement, but she knew how to talk him down as she had been doing it her whole life. Due to my becoming skilled in sword and shield combat tactics I was the third to volunteer. Balthazar and Karlia were quite furious about my suggestion, but I argued that I was capable of making my own decisions and that I wanted to liberate my friend Ursha, who was one of the unfortunate women taken as a slave. After my siblings reluctantly agreed to allow me to come with them, Serelia was the final person to volunteer her services. Collectively, my other siblings and I refused her, since she was not to our knowledge skilled in combat. She was enraged at our assumptions but claimed that she trusted our judgment. That turned out to be a lie however, as we found out that she had been following us by the second day of our journey into the Skyshield Mountains. Another altercation ensued, but we reluctantly allowed her to tag along. I smile as I remember this adventure because as both a team and a family, we were able to lead our town's militia to victory and successfully save the people of Whiteriver. One especially fond memory I have of this is the arrogant smile that Serelia gave us when she displayed an affinity for both magic and swordplay like a bard from the old tales. I recount the events leading up to that day because they served as the catalyst for the next year of our lives. It was on that day when the townsfolk of Whiteriver named us “The Heroes of the Valley” that we decided to travel to other villages and help those in need. That year went by almost in a flash as we traveled across the grasslands of Valoria and became the helping hand of the villagers and townsfolk whom the folk of the cities saw as no more than lower-class mongrels. We slew some woodland creatures in those days, but most of our work came from simple acts of kindness, a hard day’s labor, and from standing up to thugs and delinquents who found joy in the suffering of others. We would also visit Whiteriver from time to time either to take a vacation or help them out if they were in trouble. During these travels, my siblings and I became inseparable and my older sister Karlia, who was not as close to Serelia and me during our childhood years, was finally coming out of her shell and befriending us in a way that made me appreciate her more than I could have thought possible. If I had to describe my relationship with each of them at that point, I would say that Balthazar was like a mentor and a father to me, that Karlia was like a strict, yet affectionate mother to me, and that Serelia was my best friend and closest confidant. Unfortunately, as we accumulated fame as a group of do-gooders, we also gained infamy with a powerful green dragon known as Balax and his followers, “The Green Blades”. We had halted one of his extortion operations in a village known as Oakridge and he became so vexed by our involvement that he had us kidnapped and tortured by a half-orc named Krugarc, who was one of his most sadistic henchmen. I try not to dwell on those days, but it still infuriates me to think about the things that he did to my sisters. One day however my brother devised a plan of escape and when the time was right, we performed it. Unfortunately, this would end in disaster as Krugarc was privy to our plan and ready to respond with deadly force. That day would then scar me for the rest of my life, as it would be the last day that I would ever see Balthazar alive. With a final bout of strength from Morwen, he would sacrifice himself in a fight with Krugarc and his men so that the rest of us could escape their grasp. We traveled across the country for a few weeks after that, trying to recover and mourn our brother. It would be during this time of grief however, that my sister Serelia would go missing. All that Karlia and I could find of her when we woke up on that day was a note that told us not to follow her, as there was something that she had to do alone. Karlia and I ignored this request however and spent the next three months trying to track her down. I try to look at this time of my life as a bittersweet occurrence as it gave me and my sister Karlia the time to bond closer than we ever had before. She would apologize to me every day as she had felt that she was not there for me as a child and I would do the same, relenting that I should have reached out to her. Things would only get worse for my family however, as it would be on the night of the third month in search of Serelia that we would be attacked by one of Balax’s many assassins. I decapitated that cur within a minute but was too late to save Karlia, who was stabbed by his venom coated blade. During the next two days, her infection grew worse and I tried in vain to find a way to heal her. On her last day, which still haunts me, she lamented that we were a family when we had started our journey and that it was our bond that made us into who we are. Before drawing her last breaths, she made me swear that I would find Serelia so that our bond would carry on for the rest of our lives and make us into better people. As she died in my arms, I swore that I would stop at nothing to find and protect my little sister.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Arveer Bloodbane is built like a mountain with a large neck, broad shoulders, wide back, and a barrel of a chest. His legs are also built like the trunks of small trees.

Body Features

Arveer has a large navy blue tattoo of the Holy Symbol for the Goddess Lorwen painted onto his left pectoral muscle and a small black tattoo of the sigil for the town of Whiteriver on his right shoulder. He carries a large scar across his upper chest and smaller scars across his stomach and back that were courtesy of his time being tortured by the mad half-orc Krugarc.

Facial Features

His face is rugged and fierce, with a large protruding snout, piercing yellow eyes, and a very chiseled jaw. He also carries a scar that stretches from the top of his right eye down to the edge of his left cheek and a burn mark that has left a portion of the right side of his face rough and wrinkled.

Identifying Characteristics

Arveer is best identified by his size, his scars, and his flowing red cape.

Physical quirks

Arveer has many scars across his body and he sometimes shifts from one foot to other when standing still since he broke his left leg when he was 8 after he had fallen off a ridge.

Apparel & Accessories

Arveer is clad in a set of bulky chain mail with a red cape and holds a mighty steel shield that has the sigil of his town painted over it (A large manor with a blue sky behind it and a green valley in front of it). He wields a slightly curved black longsword in his right hand that has a Draconic inscription on it which reads: "Justice comes, Evil wains."

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Arveer Bloodbane is a man of action who will stop at nothing to help anyone he can whenever he can. His willpower and determination rival that of the greatest heroes and his pure heart comes from his devotion to the beautiful goddess Morwen. He is a firm believer in other people and above all, he is one who loves his family. His flaw however comes from his recklessness in decision making and naive faith in anyone who has not yet acted against him.


Arveer grew up in a working-class village where he learned to become a blacksmith and a woodland survivalist. He read and wrote very little, but he understands the more complex aspects of the Common Language.


He was a Blacksmith's apprentice for a few years before he became an adventurer.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Arveer saved his village from the "Grey Hawk" barbarians with the help of his siblings and the town militia. He also stopped a Green Blade extortion mission in the town of Oakridge.

Failures & Embarrassments

Arveer was tortured by the mad half-orc known as Krugarc for some time and it was following this endeavor that he lost his brother and his sister. He still blames himself for their deaths and may never accept that it was not his fault.

Mental Trauma

Arveer is still scarred by the deaths of his siblings and the disappearance of his younger sister. Half of the time, he doesn't know what to do and occasionally, he'll need to walk off to try and process everything.


Arveer despises those who take advantage of others in any way and he will do everything in his power to see them fail.

Personality Characteristics


Arveer is motivated to find his sister Serelia over everything else. Despite what you may think, Arveer is more alone than he seems to be and the level of healing that he needs to go through both mentally and physically will take years of effort. Therefore, he sees finding his sister as the only level of stabilization that he could possibly reach within his life. Arveer loves other people and does what he can to bring them justice and peace, but he wants to be loved above all else.

Arveer Bloodbane is a 20-year-old White Dragonborn who is built like a mountain and sworn to help other people. He is very confident in himself and his abilities and does his best to instill courage in others.

Current Location
View Character Profile
Lawful Good
On the Road
Current Residence
On the Road
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6 feet and 4 inches
285 pounds
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Fear not the evil forces at work in the world. Their reach may be long, but their life is short. Always remember that even in the darkest of days, justice comes and evil wanes."   "The peoples of this world really are amazing in their own right. You could listen to all of the experiences that they've ever been through for years on end, yet from time to time they can still astound you."
Known Languages
Arveer speaks Common and Draconic