Cult of Thydos

The Cult of Thydos operates in secrecy throughout Valoria. The leaders of this cult are often wealthy merchants, politicians or nobles who dedicate their lives to upsetting the established order without a care for the disruption, pain and suffering it causes to others. Their belief is that the civilized world is a form of control and true freedom lies in fulfilling ones desires and embracing the invigorating and unpredictable chaos that is life no matter what the cost. The rank and file of the cult are often disenfranchised commoners, petty criminals and sociopaths.   There are rumors of a cabal of leaders that direct the actions of the cult as a whole, but this has never been proven. Others believe they act alone causing mayhem and destruction; each cultist cell acting according to the whims of their leader. None can say for certain. What is certain is that their totally disregard for life and the property of others makes them a threat to civilized communities.
Secret, Occult


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