Gilligan Trottle

Gilligan Trottle (a.k.a. Gill)

Gill grew up in Hilltown, birthed to two tavern workers, Megin and Garth Trotter. Growing up in taverns, Gill only knew Bards, Food, And Gambling. He loved it. He decided at a young age he was going to be a bard. He picked up on things from the tavern but especially from the Elven Bard "Rose". She helped him work on his craft and got him into the bard college of Lore and the Fine Arts (LFA College) located in Garrison. Throughout his studies he stuck with the little people (Dwarfs, Gnomes, and Halflings alike) After graduating, some of his close friends created a bard group known as The Tall Tales. It was comprised of a Dwarf named Burrin Goldstone who told the ancient history of the dwarves , two Gnomes named Artemis Tink and Tomber Mottar who played any instrument you could name, and two Halflings named Gennifer Medow and Bernard Littlefoot who would duel and sing at the same time. After three years of traveling with this group, Gill thought that he would never reach his goal of becoming the worlds best bard by only telling folk lore and tall tales. Instead he had to experience these events. His group told him to follow his dreams so that one day they could tell stories of him. They gave Gill 300 gold and sent him on his way. In only two months he gambled it all away and owed the Green Blades a hefty amount. They put a bounty on his head for 300 gold to the assassin group known only as The Shadows. Fearing for his life but in search of glory, he figured fleeing to the water ways would be his best option. He sailed from port to port for Two years telling stories and barely scraping by. On his travels he heard rumors of a bard group being crippled and killed to send a message to a gambling Halfling who he could only assume was himself. After finding more leads he heard the names. Both Bernard and Gennifer were killed during a show, Tomber was crippled, and the only ones he heard nothing about was Burrin and Artemis. Still he cowered and traveled port to port to find a story to gain him fame. Until one night on the ship he was traveling he was greeted by a Halfling woman. Her name was Tyrubeli. She wasn't a member of the crew, nor a stow away... but something else. She talked as if she knew him. After hours of talking she gave him a tarot card and said to travel back to Garrison, as Fate awaits him there. Now Gill, in search of glory, is headed back to his Bard Stomping grounds to see if he is truly... Fatebound.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Gill is Scrawny and Lanky.

Body Features

Like any other halfling he has large hairy feet. A clean body with no scars or tattoos and fare tanned skin from the sailing.

Facial Features

Gill has a pudgy nose with a triangular jawline. Thick black eyebrows which highlight his Blue eyes. His facial hair is patchy and stubbly.

Identifying Characteristics

A small scar above his nose in the shape of an upside down "v"

Physical quirks

When he stands or sits he begins to shift a lot, never liking to stay stagnant.

Apparel & Accessories

He wears baggy leather armor and a leather pirate hat to go along with his attire. Any clothing showing under the armor is burgundy or white

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gill grew up in Hilltown, birthed to two tavern workers, Megin and Garth Trotter. Growing up in taverns, Gill only knew Bards, Food, And Gambling. He loved it. He decided at a young age he was going to be a bard. He picked up on things from the tavern but especially from the Elven Bard "Rose". She helped him work on his craft and got him into the bard college of Lore and the Fine Arts (LFA College) located in Garrison. Throughout his studies he stuck with the little people (Dwarfs, Gnomes, and Halflings alike) After graduating, some of his close friends created a bard group known as The Tall Tales. It was comprised of a Dwarf named Burrin Goldstone who told the ancient history of the dwarves , two Gnomes named Artemis Tink and Tomber Mottar who played any instrument you could name, and two Halflings named Gennifer Medow and Bernard Littlefoot who would duel and sing at the same time. After three years of traveling with this group, Gill thought that he would never reach his goal of becoming the worlds best bard by only telling folk lore and tall tales. Instead he had to experience these events. His group told him to follow his dreams so that one day they could tell stories of him. They gave Gill 300 gold and sent him on his way. In only two months he gambled it all away and owed the Green Blades a hefty amount. They put a bounty on his head for 300 gold to the assassin group known only as The Shadows. Fearing for his life but in search of glory, he figured fleeing to the water ways would be his best option. He sailed from port to port for Two years telling stories and barely scraping by. On his travels he heard rumors of a bard group being crippled and killed to send a message to a gambling Halfling who he could only assume was himself. After finding more leads he heard the names. Both Bernard and Gennifer were killed during a show, Tomber was crippled, and the only ones he heard nothing about was Burrin and Artemis. Still he cowered and traveled port to port to find a story to gain him fame. Until one night on the ship he was traveling he was greeted by a Halfling woman. Her name was Tyrubeli. She wasn't a member of the crew, nor a stow away... but something else. She talked as if she knew him. After hours of talking she gave him a tarot card and said to travel back to Garrison, as Fate awaits him there. Now Gill, in search of glory, is headed back to his Bard Stomping grounds to see if he is truly... Fatebound.

Gender Identity





The Barding College of Lore and Fine Arts (LFA College)


A traveling bard and gambler.

Accomplishments & Achievements

One major accomplishment (At least for Gill) was a card game where he beat the famous Captain Aaryn “Stormsail” Blackdal of The Gorgon vessel. The Captain put a wager of his Captain’s hat and lost. Respectfully giving Gill the hat, Gill now wears it everyday with pride... and a bit of swagger.

Failures & Embarrassments

Trying to learn how to perform with a sword, Gill threw a rapier in the air and he couldn't catch it, giving him the scar above his nose. Losing a bet and being a coward running from a gang and an assassins group for 2 years. Causing the death of some of his Bardgroup, and crippling of another.

Mental Trauma

Hearing that half of his bard group was killed and crippled to send a message to him Traumatized Gill to never hold anyone too close again.

Morality & Philosophy

He believes in the beauty of the spirit, and the amazing things that people can accomplish as long as they believe

Personality Characteristics


He wants to tell the story of a lifetime and go down in history as the best bard who ever lived. He's motivated now more than ever due to the deaths and life changing injures his friends sustained because of him.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Art, Music, Beauty, Dancing, Parties, Sailing, Glory, Legends, Heroes, Water, Selflessness, Kindness, Legacy Dislikes: Rude people, Bullies, Gangs, Cold, Stand up comedy, Heavy things, Ignorance

Vices & Personality flaws

Gambler Nosy Talker

Personality Quirks

Gill has to stay moving and never really seems to be still unless he's playing cards


Very Clean.


Contacts & Relations

Rose The Elven Bard (first bard teacher) Berrin Goldstone (Dwarven Bardmate) Artemis Tink (Gnome Bardmate) Tomber Mottar (Gnome Bardmate, recently crippled by the Green blades)

Family Ties

Mother: Megin Trotter Father: Garth Trotter

Social Aptitude

Can hold his own in any conversation. As the Bards say "fake it till you make it"


Very fluid and loose, but knows how to be proper in front of elegance.

Hobbies & Pets

His hobbies include playing any gambling game he can learn, writing stories, playing his Lute, Long walks, and drinking (preferably a large glass of Ale)

Wealth & Financial state

As of now only 15 gold. Gill likes to donate his money, and the stuff he keeps he usually gambles.

A swagger filled Halfling bard on the journey to become the best Bard in the world. The search for the best story is what fills him with determination to explore and be free.

View Character Profile
Current Residence
Long Black Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"As the sun sets and rises the day is always promised." "Make your path." “Make your Mark” "Just one more round."
Known Languages
Halfling Common


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