Iados Mahari

Iados Mahari

Iados Mahari a Tiefling from the Druthain Woods. His parents a Tiefling mom and a Devil dad. Growing up Iados knew of his dad being a Devil and wanted to find this creature that he is the flesh and blood of. Growing up he also had an older sister named Inivari. Iados decided to rebel against his devilish ancestry and decided that he wanted to help people and show the world that Tiefling's can be more then evil and can protect the innocent. Iados may still have a chaotic streak in him but overall he is and always will be a good person and will always protect the people who need and deserve that protection.   Growing up in the wilderness outside of the city of Garrison Iados had always heard of these powerful mages who were able to re-create the world around them and mold it in their own image. While these tales were hyperbole it fascinated young Iados and he decided at a young age that he wanted to join the ranks of these powerful mages and use those powers to find his Devil dad and and make the world a better place. At the age of 15 Iados met a much older Half-Elf by the name of Ailred Miadi. Ailred opened his mind up to what being a Wizard is all about and started being Iados' mentor. Ailred did not teach him specific spells but instead taught him the background of what magic is and how to use it to learn and use spells. After three years Ailred told Iados that he would bring him to the city of Garrison and the most prestigious University. With Ailred's help and his referral he was able to get into the University. He attended as a student for 4 years and worked there for 4 years as an administrative assistant to pay off his tuition. After he graduated he met a Dragonborn by the name of Arveer and became friends and helped him identify and track monsters.   About a month before now Iados left the University after paying off all of his tuition and joined Arveer for good now While they were out they ran into some other adventures and helped them fight an owlbear and we all headed towards Garrison hearin gword of possible trouble brewing in the city.

Iados, at the age of 25 has decided that he has learned enough at the university he has attended since he was 17 and now looks forward to joining in on an adventure with some of his buddies from outside the University.

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Chaotic Good
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Reddish Purple


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