Journal of Bjorn Shattershield

This is the journal of Bjorn Shattershield a member of the Shining Circle from Garrison. The book is tattered and many of the pages have smudges and bloodstains that mar the pages. In some places the writing is almost illegible and towards the end the writing gets more and more sloppy, wandering and hard to read.
Bjorn began keeping the journal when he was only a squire in the temple and it looks as if he had been writing in it up to the time of his death. It is a valuable heirloom to members of the order of the Shining Circle and any scholar of Valorian history would offer much to study it.   The Fate Bound were interested in any information that they could glean from the entries concerning their parents, what they may have done in the past and what it might mean for the challenges to come.   The relevant entries they uncovered are summarized below:   "We have set out from Garrison for the location given to us by the emissary. Our mission is to destroy the Githyanki outpost before they can summon their brethren from the planes to help them. Our orders are to let none survive. The vile creatures need to be taught a lesson that this realm is not for them."   "Damian has returned from scouting the stronghold. It is heavily guarded and they have a red dragon as well. We will do what we must, but this will make things far more difficult."   It looks as if a large section of the journal has been torn out after these entries and the pages that remain are almost illegible. You can make out some vague passages, but the meaning of them is hard to decipher.   "....we had orders and the vile creatures had to be .....our duty......, but.........blood and death. We dare not.....mercy. Remember what they of...... They are outsiders like locusts........from world to...... We accomplished our mission. May Dalana judge us in Her wisdom."   Near the end of the journal you find short excepts that Bjorn wrote about each of his companions.   "Lorgar was the strongest of us, but the mission and what happened there almost broke him. Soon after left the service of the order and headed west. I hear that he settled in a small village there. I always thought he was destined for greater things."   "Poor Artur, a bold knight, perished in the raid on the Githyanki stronghold. With his dying breath he made me promise to see to the welfare of his son. We sent the boy to live in the country with my brother nearby to watch over him."   "Damian was always fighting his own internal demons long before the mission, but for him the mission was successful and we did what we had to do. Even so, he left us soon after. I have not seen him since he left us, I fear I never will. I only hope that his son does not suffer as he did."   "The consumate soldier, Weldon had no qualms about our mission and what happened there, but soon after our return to Garrison he resigned and returned to the Kingdom of Merrin his ancestral home. He was proud, as I was, of what we done to put an end to the Githyanki threat."   "Suyin left us almost immediately. She refused to accept any payment or reward for her actions and in fact did not take a single one of her belongings with her. I guess she felt like she did not deserve them after what had happened on the mission. She has been struggling to survive ever since."   "Garth was always ready with a song especially when he was cooking one of his amazing camp meals for us. His attitude changed after his role during the mission. He too left the order and I hear he has been working in a tavern ever since. That place must serve some very good food."   "Having a tiefling in the order was frowned upon by many, but I always supported Calisto. She saved our hides more than once and was one of the most reliable companions I ever had. She agreed with me that we had done our duty and what was necessary, but after the mission she turned inward and drifted away from us all. I fear that her infernal heritage weighed heavily upon her. She simply disappeared one night and was never seen again. I hope she is well."
Journal, Personal


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