Leonardo Gallois

Leonardo Gallois (a.k.a. Leo)

Born to farmers, has 2 brothers and a pretty well upbringing. Until one night he had a dream. The dream felt right and real, like he's seen it before and the people that he's along side have been along side him his whole life. From what he can remember in the dream he's fighting in a battle that almost seems completely one sided but he's ready to sacrifice it all for his friends. Before he charges into battle he looks down at this medallion that dangles from his neck. He wakes up and the dream is quite hazy, but the sigil is not. He goes into the barn and carves it into a piece of small scrap wood and makes a necklace out of it. A few days pass and some thieves stumble on the farm and demand payment. His family not having much can't give in. One of the thieves strike his mother while his father lay there helpless and his brothers too small to help. He grabs the loose woodcutters axe and   utters a phrase in a language he's never even heard. His sigil lights up and so does the axe. Both the man and the axe disintegrate on impact. The others run. Days later Leonardo tells his parents about the dream he had and His family realizes that this life wouldn't be enough for him since he was destined for more. They trade cattle to the local blacksmith Shatter Hand who in return gives Leonardo (Leo for short) his hand me down armor, sword, and shield. The armor has just a right battle dent in the chest piece to fit his sigil. The elf then gave Leo a quest to follow. To not only find the meaning of his gift, but to head to the city of Dolendai and tell the locals that Shatter Hand says hello. Not one to back down, Leo blindly accept this quest.   Leo now travels in search of this party he dreamed of and the meaning behind this sigil that gives him power. Along with the city known as Dolendai.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Average Lean Build

Body Features

Lean muscle, tall but firm. Always has straight posture.

Facial Features

Young face, pretty to most. Has a small straight scar under his right eye. Slender nose, predominant jawline, and a young 5 o'clock shadow.

Identifying Characteristics

A small scar under his right eye is noticeable to most. His medallion that hangs a sigil not seen before, and his constant happy go lucky smile.

Physical quirks

Paces when doing nothing, fiddles or looks at his sigil a lot.

Apparel & Accessories

His armor is rusted and battleworn, and seems to barely fit. His sigil hangs out of his armor and rests in a small indentation where a hammer must have hit the armor. he carries a leather bound bag and a rusted shield with no markings besides sword strikes. He also carries a heavily used sword.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to farmers, has 2 brothers and a pretty well upbringing. Until one night he had a dream. The dream felt right and real, like he's seen it before and the people that he's along side have been along side him his whole life. From what he can remember in the dream he's fighting in a battle that almost seems completely one sided but he's ready to sacrifice it all for his friends. Before he charges into battle he looks down at this medallion that dangles from his neck. He wakes up and the dream is quite hazy, but the sigil is not. He goes into the barn and carves it into a piece of small scrap wood and makes a necklace out of it. A few days pass and some thieves stumble on the farm and demand payment. His family not having much can't give in. One of the thieves strike his mother while his father lay there helpless and his brothers too small to help. He grabs the loose woodcutters axe and utters a phrase in a language he's never even heard. His sigil lights up and so does the axe. Both the man and the axe disintegrate on impact. The others run. Days later Leonardo tells his parents about the dream he had and His family realizes that this life wouldn't be enough for him since he was destined for more. They trade cattle to the local blacksmith Shatter Hand who in return gives Leonardo (Leo for short) his hand me down armor, sword, and shield. The armor has just a right battle dent in the chest piece to fit his sigil. The elf then gave Leo a quest to follow. To not only find the meaning of his gift, but to head to the city of Dolendai and tell the locals that Shatter Hand says hello. Not one to back down, Leo blindly accept this quest.   Leo now travels in search of this party he dreamed of and the meaning behind this sigil that gives him power. Along with the city known as Dolendai.

Gender Identity





Farming, how to tend to animals. Basic education.


Farmer, woodcutter.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Killed a bandit trying to steal from his family. achieved his sigil from a vision.

Failures & Embarrassments

Tending to his farm at an early age he got rammed by a goat which gave him the scar under his right eye.

Intellectual Characteristics

Likes to write in a journal, and whenever there is an opportunity to learn he takes it.

Morality & Philosophy

A straight forward person. Respectful, and strong sense of justice.


Slavery, Child abuse, and people who abuse their power.

Personality Characteristics


Wants to find what his sigil means, to find the people in his dream. And to do as much good along his journey. Along with finding the city of Dolendai and discovering his destiny.

Likes & Dislikes

likes: Learning, history, exploring/adventuring, meeting new people, frienships, Heroes, and being selfless. dislikes: Thieves, killers, rapists, abusers of power, selfishness

Vices & Personality flaws

Very trusting. Cares about others more than himself.

Personality Quirks

Always fixes hair, plays or looks at his sigil. When he sits he always shakes his leg.


Clean and well kept.


Contacts & Relations

father on the Gallois farm Local blacksmith Shatter Hand the elf. (gave him his equipment)

Family Ties

Gallois family Father Lowin, Mother Helena, Brothers Halvier, and Keriden

Religious Views

Doesn't follow a god (for now), but trusts in his sigil.

Social Aptitude

Easy going and very trusting.


Well mannered, and respects others.

Hobbies & Pets

family livestock loves to write, and any type of sport he can play he will.


Normal voice with a little bass added in

Wealth & Financial state

Whatever gold is in his pocket

17 year old human paladin, dark brown hair with blonde tips, bluish green eyes, 6'4 with an average build. Very humble and courageous. Had dream of companions in battle, only can remember the sigil from dream.

View Character Profile
Lawful Good
Gallois Farm
Bluish Green
Dark brown hair with blonde tips
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White tanned
Known Languages
Common, Elvish


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