
Fox of the Willow Markuen (a.k.a. Sureshot)

Markuen was born into an elven tribe known as the Willow. Being that those in the village be hunters or druids, everyone serves a purpose and gives back to Existence. He was guided by a Druid who took him under his wing, Quenindal, thinking he had the spark of the Fallow, but overtime it just proved to be affinity with nature. The Druid taught him the ways of the Forest and by the age of 13 Marko was able to hunt. His first kill was the fox. The Druid taught him in the ways to honor the dead, be good or bad all be used for the cycle of Existence. Marko stayed in the village and helped around as much as he could. Years later on the verge of 44 while helping his mentor around the homestead. He told Marko of the world beyond the Willows and the people far beyond the green. He told him of adventure and what lay out there. The Druid spoke of a life that Marko was destined to live the moment he killed the fox. A life of freedom and adventure, friendship and kin. To travel and to bring himself joy. The Druid then told Marko that his time is done and by sundown his body and soul will be given back to the Fallow. Understanding these ways Marko honored his mentor and stayed by his side till the end. He took a strand of his grey/white hair and braided it into his own so he could always be along side him on this adventure. After the fade, he gathered his things and traveled into the world to see what it has to offer.   A wood elf ranger Markuen, goes by Marko. 45 years old still considered a kid by elves. only 5’6, his long bow is almost as big as him. Long brown hair, a 4 line scar flowing from his right cheek down to and through his throat. Chipped canine tooth on his right side and its always noticeable because he’s always smiling. the thing is though that he does not like being around people too much. He likes being in the wild he loves the wilderness, green, animals and the cycle of life. how he was brought up to honor that every moment and everything has a purpose. Learning to hunt their first kill is their spirit guide and after that kill they can never hunt that beast again. his was a fox. He had to eat the heart of the fox to become one with the animal. His tribe taught that all manners of the beast be used. His cloak is made from the foxes pelt, the spine was crafted and woven into wood to create his long bow. His daggers are forged from the ribs, the hilt of swords are from the Radius of the fox filled down to take shape. A paw was kept to bring him luck (a trinket) the rest of the bones were used to help reforge his armor, and the foxes teeth repurposed into a necklace. Being that the first hunt be their guide, whenever they see the beast it brings them good fortune, a good omen depending on how it’s seen. For instance, if Marko sees a fox run in the direction he’s headed then he is headed in the right location and everything is right with the world. If a fox were to cross his path it would mean “be cautious of what may come, whatever it may be, keep your guard up.” If a fox we’re to run in the opposite way in which he’s headed then it means bad things are coming and he should turn back (Marko is hardheaded at times and doesn’t mind a challenge) if a fox is sleeping then it means for him to take it easy. If a fox stares at him then it means to look inside himself. Meditate. Something is troubling him. If a fox is dead, then bad times are here. Run. Marko rarely sees a fox in the wild so he believes these omens. His ancestors and his tribe all followed these ways, and it’s what’s gotten them this far. Marko, however bad he dislikes civilization and being around people for too long, wants to experience the world, to see what is out there, so he’s traveling on a crucible of sorts.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A skinny toned body with a slight hunch as he likes to sneak.

Body Features

4 lined scar that runs onto his chest scars that cover his forearms from bowstring whips. toned skinny body with what seems to be dirt caked into the skin.

Facial Features

A 4 lined scar on the right side of his head/face, which makes him look just a little older than he is. Still shows wonder and curiosity in his eyes. Brown eyes, no facial hair, but dirt seems to always be on his face. slender face with a bridged nose. Thick eyebrows and a sharp jawline. Has a chipped Canine which always is visible when he smiles.

Identifying Characteristics

Long brown hair with some white strands braided, The scar that's on his face can't be hidden. and a chipped canine tooth that shows whenever he smiles.

Physical quirks

In confusing, stressful, or even fearful times he plays with his hair to calm him.   His eyes are always wandering He is usually smiling at anything and everything.

Apparel & Accessories

The pelt of the first fox he killed is his cloak, The spine of the fox was crafted and woven into wood to create his longbow. His Daggers are forged from the ribs. A paw was kept to bring him luck (his trinket), the rest of the bones were used to help reforge his armor, and the foxes teeth repurposed into a necklace.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Markuen was born into an elven tribe known as the Willow. Being that those in the village be hunters or druids, everyone serves a purpose and gives back to Existence. He was guided by a Druid who took him under his wing, Quenindal, thinking he had the spark of the Fallow, but overtime it just proved to be affinity with nature. The Druid taught him the ways of the Forest and by the age of 13 Marko was able to hunt. His first kill was the fox. The Druid taught him in the ways to honor the dead, be good or bad all be used for the cycle of Existence. Marko stayed in the village and helped around as much as he could. Throughout the years the battle over who owns the forest created a strife among the wood elven tribes. For years they not only fought each other but Orc invaders as well. the Orcs were eventually pushed out in the battle of Forest flame. Not much is known of the battle other than the druids banded together for one fight against a common enemy. after that the tribes considered a treaty. It lasted only 5 years before the elves of the southern forest wanted to expand north causing the war all over again. Marko, being a hunter, never fought in these battles for a few reasons. his lack of experience, and his hate for meaningless death.   Years later on the verge of 44 while helping his mentor around the homestead. He told Marko of the world beyond the Willows and the people far beyond the green. He told him of adventure and what lay out there. The Druid spoke of a life that Marko was destined to live the moment he killed the fox. A life of freedom and adventure, friendship and kin. To travel and to bring himself joy. The Druid then told Marko that his time is done and by sundown his body and soul will be given back to the Fallow. Understanding these ways Marko honored his mentor and stayed by his side till the end. He took a strand of his grey/white hair and braided it into his own so he could always be along side him on this adventure. After the fade, he gathered his things and traveled into the world to see what it has to offer.   A wood elf ranger Markuen, goes by Marko. 45 years old still considered a kid by elves. only 5’6, his long bow is almost as big as him. Long brown hair, a 4 line scar flowing from his right cheek down to and through his throat. Chipped canine tooth on his right side and its always noticeable because he’s always smiling. the thing is though that he does not like being around people too much. He likes being in the wild he loves the wilderness, green, animals and the cycle of life. how he was brought up to honor that every moment and everything has a purpose. Learning to hunt their first kill is their spirit guide and after that kill they can never hunt that beast again. his was a fox. He had to eat the heart of the fox to become one with the animal. His tribe taught that all manners of the beast be used. His cloak is made from the foxes pelt, the spine was crafted and woven into wood to create his long bow. His daggers are forged from the ribs, the hilt of swords are from the Radius of the fox filled down to take shape. A paw was kept to bring him luck (a trinket) the rest of the bones were used to help reforge his armor, and the foxes teeth repurposed into a necklace. Being that the first hunt be their guide, whenever they see the beast it brings them good fortune, a good omen depending on how it’s seen. For instance, if Marko sees a fox run in the direction he’s headed then he is headed in the right location and everything is right with the world. If a fox were to cross his path it would mean “be cautious of what may come, whatever it may be, keep your guard up.” If a fox we’re to run in the opposite way in which he’s headed then it means bad things are coming and he should turn back (Marko is hardheaded at times and doesn’t mind a challenge) if a fox is sleeping then it means for him to take it easy. If a fox stares at him then it means to look inside himself. Meditate. Something is troubling him. If a fox is dead, then bad times are here. Run. Marko rarely sees a fox in the wild so he believes these omens. His ancestors and his tribe all followed these ways, and it’s what’s gotten them this far. Marko, however bad he dislikes civilization and being around people for too long, wants to experience the world, to see what is out there, so he’s traveling on a crucible of sorts.

Gender Identity





Learned the ways of the forest by the Willow tribe. Hunting, surviving.


Hunter for his tribe.

Accomplishments & Achievements

His first kill, being a fox which is a rare beast in the Willow, making his spirit guide a rare commodity and giving him a higher status among the tribe.

Failures & Embarrassments

The owlbear the nearly killed him, and then just left him for dead. After the encounter the marks haunt him.

Mental Trauma

Seeing Orcs massacre Elf children with no remorse in the war of Druthain Wood.   and years later   His mentor, Quenindal, faded in front of his eyes. Every night he sees the same thing in his meditation.

Intellectual Characteristics

He knows constellations, and at night he stares at the stars.

Morality & Philosophy

He believes that life is a cycle. In the end we all will die, but it's to give back to life, to the land. Every death and every life has a purpose.


Senseless death, Wasting anything, and anything that combats freedom.

Personality Characteristics


Wants to travel the world, and see if the legends of the ocean are real... and if it really disintegrates an elf. He wants to find the tree of life before he dies, and take a branch from it to bring all 5 tribes of wood elf together as one.   But ultimately he wants to find a purpose.

Likes & Dislikes

likes: anything to do with nature, parties, elves, the unknown/adventure dislikes: Orcs, mindless killing/death, wastefulness, laziness, water

Vices & Personality flaws

Very curious and at times can be really headstrong. He never turns down a challenge. Wont turn down a meal.

Personality Quirks

His eyes always wander and rarely stay in one place, unless he's tracking something. When in difficult circumstances he plays with his braided hair that has the intertwined white hair of his mentor. Has a habit of smiling.


smells of bark, sap and forest. Always seems to find dirt on him.


Family Ties

The willow tribe for they see each other as one family.

Religious Views

He believes in Rontra Goddess of The Earth.   Markuen believes that all life and death create a cycle of existence. To have one you must have the other.

Social Aptitude

Quiet at first to assess the person he's talking to. Opens up after. If the person doesn't seem trusting he wont speak much.


Shameless, and sometimes manner-less as he has spent his life in the forest. very touchy, and if someone is staring at him he wont break his glance unless they do.

Hobbies & Pets

Foxes are his spirit guide, and as so he tries to find there dens on his off time. He loves to play the flute to bring him to a simpler time, and he loves festivals, as his people celebrated quite frequently.


Talks a little fast at times. Relatively normal speech with a little higher pitch than most.

Wealth & Financial state

the clothes on his back, and the coin he started with (10 gold).

45 yr elf from the Fallow tribe. Young Ranger, after losing his mentor chose to travel the world. Long brown hair with some white strands braided in, 5’6 skinny, brown eyes. A long 4 line scar leading from his cheek to his throat. Curious, adventurous.

View Character Profile
Neutral good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Sureshot Fox Fox of the Willow
Druthain Wood
Current Residence
The Road.
Dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"This reminds me of my time in the Willow when-"
Known Languages
Elvish, Common, Orcish, Undercommon


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