The Mythology of Valoria

The realms of Valoria have existed from the time of the beginning. Even the wise cannot say when Valoria came into existence or how it was created in the void. The world has simply always been here; everlasting and eternal. Then the gods came, changing the face of Valoria for all time.

Mythology & Lore

Bel, Everlasting Mother of the land, also known as Bel'Valoria is the eldest. She came into being from primal forces and is believed to be made of the raw energy of Valoria itself. For centuries she roamed Valoria. Alone. Quiet. She set the paths of the rivers and the heights of the mountains. She strode through the forests and ran across the plains. She wandered in the sands of the deserts and swam in the depths of the oceans. She was Valoria and Valoria was her.   Tyr, the Eternal Father came from the outside. From where no one knows for sure. Perhaps another plane of existence or an alternate reality. Others theorize that Tyr wandered the multi-verse in search of his soulmate Bel, drawn to her; both destined to be together for all time.   The union of Tyr and Bel resulted in an explosion of creation and life. From their union sprang animals of all shapes and sizes and these creatures roamed throughout the land. The seas teemed with fish of all kinds and birds soared through the skies. Wondrous new species of plants grew and spread over the face of Valoria. After their efforts Tyr and Bel spent centuries enjoying the fruits of their labor.   After a time, Bel and Tyr realized that although the flora and fauna that they had created were numerous and varied, they lacked intelligence and free will. They were not true reflections of their creators. They had built a wonderful world, balanced and at peace, but this did not satisfy them. They tried in vain to create life in their own likeness, but all of their efforts failed. The pain of their failure drove them apart and for the first time they new what it was to be unhappy. Tyr retreated into the heavens unable to live with his failure. Bel was left alone to wander Valoria as she had done in ages past. Eventually she moved deep underground as far from Tyr as possible.   The absence of the creators left Valoria unprotected and open to the void. That is what allowed Tuli, Lord of Chaos to overwhelm Valoria. Some believe that he was drawn here because he was needed, others believe he came of his own free will. With no one to check his influence the land was changed almost overnight. Oceans expanded, volcanos erupted, mountain ranges rose and fell and lakes dried up.   Bel was the first to notice the changes and upheaval and she rose from the depths of the earth to investigate. Tuli assumed the guise of Tyr and fooled Bel. Tuli told her that he had solved the mystery of creation and he convinced her to join with him to finally create true life. Deceived she joined with Tuli and so the race of demons were born.   Seeing that she had been deceived, she summoned Tyr to her side. Tyr beheld what had become of Valoria and was saddened by what he saw, but Bel had learned from her joining with Tuli. She implored Tyr to join with her and together they created the race of angels to combat the demons and devils.   Thus began the First War between the angels led by Tyr and the demons led by Tuli. The battles between these powerful creatures left enduring marks on Valoria. Landmarks such as the Demon's Teeth and Angel's Crater still stand to this day marking this titanic conflict. The war may have gone on forever, if not for the actions of our Everlasting Mother.   Bel tried to convince Tyr and Tuli to relent. She showed them how there battles were scarring her beloved Valoria and how entire species of creatures were becoming extinct. They would not listen to her and vowed to fight on. With no choice left open to her, Bel decided to sacrifice herself to save her beloved creation. She convinced them that she had found a new power in the heavens, one that they could use to destroy each other. They needed only to journey there to retrieve it. As they set off, one to the northern skies and one to the southern, she banished the demons to the abyss and confined the angles in heaven. Then as her two consorts reached the place she had told them to would reveal unlimited power she used the last bit of her essence to trap them there for all time. Now they are only cosmic forces of order and chaos. Still visible in the heavens as constellations. Tyr in the northern sky appearing as a diamond shaped cluster of stars and Tuli in the southern skies appearing as a spiral of stars.   As Bel perished, she left behind her last gift. The Tree of Life. None now know its location, but from this tree sprang elves, dwarves, humans, gnomes and halflings.

Divine Origins

The younger gods are the gods the people of Valoria worship. They came into being as manifestations of the elder gods, Tyr, Bel and Tuli and they gain their power from the strength of their worshipers.   Scions of Bel
  • Morwen Goddess of Life and Healing
  • Mahth God of Death
  • Galen God of Nature
  • Rontra Goddess of the Earth
Scions of Tyr
  • Dalana God of Justice and Valor
  • Odrin God of War
  • Lystra Goddess of Magic
  • Caladin God of Crafts
Scions of Tuli
  • Thydos God of the Warp
  • Havoc God of Battle
  • Selena the Trickster Goddess
  • Aurus Goddess of Storms


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