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Ghulfrost is a tribe located near the Dondel waterfall that leads to the Dondel river. The water is fresh as it is from the melting ice of the glaciers. All members who passed the rite of passage have a spiraling black tattoo on their back meant to represent the river that they can be identified from. The tribe is close and trusts the settlement of Stollheim, its neighbor. the tribe often trades and shares information with the speaker and people in Stollheim. The tribe does not have a single leader, as they allow all voices of the tribe to be heard and voted on. The clothing is similar to what those of the other settlements wear, but they tend to wear furs and other things from what they have hunted. Most of the tribe carry around daggers they make when they are young, all unique and meant to represent ones fighting spirit. When one wishes to take a mate they bring the other party a small, wood box with a ring, flower, or other token inside representing their feelings. If the box is returned empty or with the original contents, this is a no. If the other person agrees, they will traditionally wear the ring or blossom and place a token within the box representing their own feelings toward the other person before returning it to them. For rites of passage when one reaches physical maturity, they are stripped of all belongings (besides one layer of clothing) and given a single skin of water. They are walked a ways from the camp and must find their way back. When any member of the tribe dies, there is a two-week period during which their name is not spoken aloud for fear it will call their spirit back and make them unrestful. The body is burned in the central fire, and the ashes are scattered at the edge of the river.

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