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Kasuma is a hamlet that grew around a calm coastal bay. The nearest landmark is a natural bridge of dirt that goes over a wide area of reed thicket marshes. The wind slowly sways the cat tails and tall grasses as squishing sounds and croaks can be heard from either side of the bridge. A population of 320, the denizens live a comfortable existence. All the buildings are on stilts as the swampy water floods the land. The population is pretty mixed.


Human 55%
Halfling 18%
Anzarketi 5%
Other 22%


The people of Kasuma work the land in exchange for payment. Oshin Mina is technically the head of state, but affairs are handled by a parliamentary consisting of the scholars.


The policing presence in Kasuma is more of a militia; some of the members of The Bronze Guard are part time, and there is little need for the use of force outside of intruders. Law in Kasuma is punitive, and those that breach the laws can expect hard labor, incarceration, fines, or, in rare instances, execution. Magic is not codified into the laws as anything specific, though the local guards would be more likely to treat it as a threat rather than not.

Industry & Trade

Trade in Kasuma is mostly free, with some taxes applied to goods and services. People live a comfortable existence because of it. Welfare is terrible. Citizens can expect the absolute bare minimum of death services. Healthcare and education are ignored, and those unable to fend for themselves would go hungry if it weren't for private benefactors.

Guilds and Factions

The University of Book Keepers

The University of Book Keepers is a scholars guild. They are extremely secretive. Membership requires a display of knowledge, and costs five hundred gold pieces, provided there's an empty slot. The initiation into The University of Book Keepers involves a simple form to be filled. It is rumored they have many magical trinkets and scrolls hidden away. They have there headquarters in Kasuma since it is small and has little distractions so those in training can keep focused. The large stone university is on the only patch of land that stays dry most of the time. To keep the books and scrolls safe, there are many safety measures in case flooding does happen.   

The Bronze Guard

The Bronze Guard is a guards watch. It's very new and has an excellent reputation. Kasuma is policed by The Bronze Guard, rather than a separate guard. The guard is slightly underfunded, and their equipment sometimes falls into slight disrepair. Their officers are held accountable for their actions, though The Bronze Guard does not have the funding to perform regular training exercises. One can recognize a member of The Bronze Guard by the navy blue and gold livery adorned with an image of a raven. It's ruled by Ecan Gyuki, who was the original founder. Membership requires some social status, and costs twenty gold pieces. The initiation into The Bronze Guard involves a secret ritual. They have a room full of trade goods such as a handful of magical trinket and a drawer of magic scrolls.

Points of interest

The Kasuma Berth

The docks which are known best for the exotic stone used to construct it. The docks are quite small with room for fishing ships and little else. All types of molds, algae, and other unspeakably slimy things are on display here.  

The Guidance of Kasuma

The Guidance of Kasuma is a straw office with a decently built thatched roof. It is known for housing the entire list of laws of the hamlet. It is run by The Bronze Guard. The person in charge is Tsanji Tetsu. Several tables with chairs have been placed around the office and there is a roaring fire in the hearth. The guardhouse is tidy, although the cells are in need of a sweeping.  

Rusted Spoon

It's a shabby limestone smithy with a thatched roof. The smithy is nice with a swept floor and tools stored neatly on the walls. The materials are neatly stored and sorted in bins. Clearly, whatever apprentice has been charged with upkeep of the smithy has taken their job very seriously. On the bench lies a claymore.  

The Pretty Petal

A shabby building with a decently built thatched roof called The Pretty Petal. The entrance room is full of peony scented candles. This greenhouse is known for creating beautiful art out of the petals that fall off their flowers. Mura Jiko is the florist.   

Here Comes The Sunstone

A shabby split log building with a decently built thatched roof. There is a stack of finely cut gems behind the counter. The owner is a dwarf woman named Soki Yuya.
Owning Organization

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