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Shanyi is a village located on an island near the Silver Tides. The village grew around a series of natural springs on the island, and is comprised mostly of grippli. In recent years a small bit of other races have settled on the island as a result of concern for infiltration from Olghan. The village is known for being surrounded by large bones from creatures that walked long ago. The village has adopted the bones as cultural accessories from animals and other creatures in relation. Many beautiful works are made of the bones, some outsiders finding the creations barbaric. A population of 1250, the denizens live a modest existence.


The people of Shanyi work the land in exchange for payment. The people hold the best semblance of order, the head of whom is Mr Tu Du. Law in Shanyi is reform-based, and those that breach the laws can expect fines, penalties, or work-release programs to provide them with the best possible chance to not become a recidivist. Magic has not been codified into the laws.


There's a decent guard presence, and citizens know better than to step out of line.

Points of interest

The Center

It's somewhat cramped, and overflowing with the villages scattered shipments. It features a small animal pen full of chickens. There's also a noticeboard, which has various posters, requests, and announcements tacked to it.  

The Markets of Shanyi

You may wander through the streets of Shanyi, and come across the market. It seems that the vendors are very organized. The market is known for rather pushy merchants. You may find the usual merchants: A grippli selling pet rocks from a permanent table with a tent set up around it. The village kids seemingly love this stall. A light purple grippli is calling to any who would listen: "Foldable large weapons stands! Be the envy of your friends! Buy it now!" from a handful of crates the vendor has set up. A grippli woman with long, spindly fingers selling magical trinkets from a long foldout table. Or, at least, they're supposedly magical items. There are always stalls with vegetables, grains, and fruit as well.  

The Shanyi Port

The docks are known best for a large lookout post that warns the shipmaster of approaching ships. There is always an entrepreneurial fellow selling hot foods from a cart. The docks are big with space to accommodate several galleons. There are several large makeshift fish markets crowding the docks.  

The Emerald Alchemist

A shabby stone potion shop with a thatched roof. Looking around, there is no other possible reason that a shop that deals with magical, often volatile chemicals would be so cluttered, crowded, and blatantly a danger to itself and the half-mile radius surrounding it. There are pots and pans of mixtures that have already spilt over crowding the desk, with potions that are currently brewing strewn around the floor. There's little hope to walk through the shop without putting your boot in something that you probably would prefer not to put it in. The owner and chemist is Qi Chi-Chi, a human woman.  

Warm Joy

A shabby wood building with a decently built thatched roof called Warm Joy. There is a bread slicing station for people without bread knives set up in a corner of the shop. This bakeshop is known for the elderberry tarts they sell. The owner is a male gnome named Liao Ke.  

Shanyi Potter's Field

It is located at the end of a long tunnel of trees, and is decently sized, with several rows of plots. You can enter the potter's field by walking through a bone archway. It's mostly in need of some maintenance, with moss and vines creeping onto several gravestones. You can find the local gravedigger Lu Fu a female grippli here.  

The Golden Bone

A shabby wood blacksmith with a planked roof that is huge. The smithy is organized, with a swept floor and tools stored neatly on the walls. There's a desk in the corner with a piece of parchment showing the current project's measurements, and the materials are neatly stored in bins. Clearly, whatever apprentice has been charged with upkeep of the smithy has taken their job very seriously. You can find Ho Pei the female gnome apprentice and Chu Ni-Chao the blacksmith here.  

The Petunia Petal

A shabby rock botany shop with a decently built thatched roof. There are several small copper birds hanging from the ceiling by strings. This botany shop is known for often carrying strange and exotic plants. A grippli woman named Kao Yeng owns this place.  

The White Thimble

A wood dress shop with a decently built thatched roof. There is a long rack of thick leather hides pushed up against a wall. This dress shop is known for their skill with leather working and even make clothing and accessories with bones for traditional clothing. Owners are a male human and his wife, Huie Jiao and Huie Zi.  

The Thick Cow

A shabby wood building with a decently built straw roof called The Thick Cow. This butcher shop is known for the high quality sausages they make. A large woman grippli named Shu Bo is the butcher.
Owning Organization

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