

Creeps was born and raised in Higara, known for its bustling markets and political intrigue. Growing up in the shadows of the city, Creeps quickly learned how to blend in and disappear, honing his natural talent for stealth and espionage.   As he grew older, Creeps began to use his skills for personal gain, often taking on secret jobs for the highest bidder. He became known as a master of disguise and manipulation, able to infiltrate even the most secure locations undetected.   However, one job went wrong and he was forced to flee Higara, leaving behind his old life and reputation. He eventually found his way to The Scales, where he found a new purpose in using his skills to serve the mercenary company.   Despite his success with The Scales, Creeps still keeps his past a closely guarded secret, as he knows that if the wrong people were to find out his true identity, he would become a target. Instead, he prefers to live in the shadows, quietly observing and manipulating events from behind the scenes, always ready to strike when the time is right.

Junior Officer

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