

Nails was born into a family of powerful sorcerers in Vasloria, where magic was a common part of everyday life. His parents were respected members of the magical community, and they began to train him in the arcane arts from a young age. However, Nails struggled to control his powers, and his experiments often went awry.   As he grew older, Nails became increasingly frustrated with his lack of control over his magic. He turned to the streets, using his powers to hustle and con people out of their money. It was during this time that he developed a smoking habit, which he used to calm his nerves and focus his magic.   Eventually, Nails was caught and arrested for his crimes. But instead of being thrown in jail, he was offered a deal by a mysterious figure who called himself the "Recruiter." The Recruiter offered to erase Nails' criminal record and give him a fresh start if he agreed to join the Scales mercenary company.   Nails accepted the offer and joined the Scales, where he quickly made a name for himself as a fierce and powerful sorcerer. He earned his nickname "Nails" because of the magical cigarette he always had between his lips, which he claimed helped him focus his powers.   In truth, Nails struggles with controlling his magic to this day, and often relies on his cigarette as a crutch. But he is determined to become a master of his powers and prove himself to his family and the magical community that he once shamed.

Junior Officer Sorcerer

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