

Horace Fell was born and raised in the country of Rioja, where he lived a relatively normal life until one fateful night when he was attacked by a vampire while walking home from work. Horace tried to fight off his attacker but was ultimately overpowered and turned into a vampire himself.   Horace struggled with his new existence as a vampire, feeling conflicted about his urge to feed on human blood and the morality of taking a life. He eventually left Rioja in search of a cure, hoping to find a way to reverse his condition and live a normal life once again.   Unfortunately, Horace's search led him straight into the clutches of Countess Kriva Dubonnet and her vampire lover Petrick Gargorian. The couple had been conducting experiments and blood magic on captured vampires and other supernatural creatures, using them to enhance their own powers and abilities.   Horace was held captive by the couple for weeks, forced to endure painful experiments and feeding on unwilling victims. It wasn't until The Scales stumbled upon the couple's lair and rescued Horace and the other captives that he was finally freed from his imprisonment.   Grateful to The Scales for saving his life, Horace joined the group and now uses his vampire abilities to help fight against other supernatural threats. Though he still longs to find a cure for his condition, he has come to accept his existence as a vampire and works to control his urges to feed on human blood. His nickname, Typo, is a play on words for his blood type O and serves as a reminder of the circumstances that led him to become a vampire.
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