Commonwealth of Ephesus

The Commonwealth is a peninsula south of Rioja. The climate is warm and temperate year round and the land is rich with resources. Because only a narrow land-bridge connects the peninsula with the rest of the continent, the Commonwealth is easily defended, and enjoyed hundreds of years of freedom from wars and foreign invaders. Ephesusians dress in sandals and simple white robes, often decorated with gold, in the style of the Moon Elves who once called the area home. The buildings and culture of the Moon Elves, though largely ruined, is in some places still well-preserved and the men of the Commonwealth actively seek to adopt the manners and culture of the Lunar Celestials, who they believe to be superior in learning and society to Men. The Caelian Empire, which ruled Valorian for 1,300 years, was founded in Ephesus. The 5th Emperor instituted a decades-long program of repatriation, stealing an entire generation's children from their parents and resettling them with new parents in different parts of the world. His goal was to break the individual cultures of each region, and create a Caelian culture with one language and one way of life. It was a bloody and violent program. Now, 500 years after the fall of that great empire, each region has once again developed its own culture. But almost everyone, everywhere, speaks the Caelian language, and there's no way to tell where someone was born from the color of their skin, or facial features. Since the fall of the empire, the men of the Commonwealth have known peace and prosperity which they attribute to a new form of government still a secret outside their lands. Ephesusians know religion and magic and train for war to defend the Heikos Pass against the Thaumocracy of Quorsiir. But the major focus of Ephesus is Philosophy. Philosophies are scientific models and personal belief systems. Peasants eschew philosophy, but most city dwellers and educated folk adhere to one of the Six Schools. Stoicism - Virtue through strength of will. Cynicism - Balance with Nature, Self-sufficiency. Materialism - Only this world is real. Death is the end of the body and the soul. Idealism - This world is a shadow of the world of ideals. Skepticism - Knowledge is illusory, nothing is ultimately knowable. Mysticism - Reality can only be known by participating in its contradictions.   There are three regions within the Commonwealth of Ephesus:   Heikos Peninsula:   Geography: The Heikos Peninsula is the heart of the Commonwealth, featuring picturesque landscapes of olive groves, vineyards, and marble-clad cities. It's surrounded by the crystal-clear waters of the Aegean Sea. Leadership: Archon Leonidas of Heikos, a wise and just ruler, governs this region. He is known for his strong leadership and adherence to the principles of democracy, allowing citizens a voice in local matters.   Spartanos Highlands:   Geography: The Spartanos Highlands are a rugged and mountainous region in the north, home to hardy people skilled in martial pursuits. The peaks are dotted with ancient temples and training grounds. Leadership: High Strategos Callisto, a disciplined and experienced military leader, commands the Spartanos Highlands. She ensures the region's formidable warriors are always ready to defend the Commonwealth.   Thaumic Isles:   Geography: Off the southwestern coast lies the Thaumic Isles, a collection of islands surrounded by mysterious mists. These isles are home to magical academies, where scholars delve into arcane studies. Leadership: Archmage Eleni of the Thaumic Isles is a renowned sorcerer who governs with a focus on knowledge and magical advancement. The isles are a hub of arcane learning and mystical exploration.   These regions together contribute to the diverse and culturally rich Commonwealth of Ephesus in your D&D setting.