
The Opal Empire is a temperate sliver of land on the easternmost edge of Valorian. To the west lies the Infinite Desert. To the east, the Great Sea. The men of the Opal Empire are known as the Jō-yoi. Theirs is a highly feudal society in many ways a mirror of Vasloria. Their society is more rigid and more highly caste-based than any other in Valorian. The noblemen never giving the peasants even a glance. They dress ornately in long flowing robes, and take as much care and practice in waging war, as writing poetry, as forging steel. As a result, theirs is the strongest steel in Valorian. They have the greatest duelists in Valorian, and because their land is so narrow, and their livelihood as a people intertwined with the sea, they are the best sailors. Their queen is the Immortal Empress who rules the Seven Great Houses across the centuries. Under her palace, the source of her power; the Emperor Naga, progenitor and sleeping god of all Naga. She is anointed by its acolytes and their ministrations give her immortality. She keeps the great houses scheming and plotting against each other. In meditation, each man attempts to embody one of the five elements of Jō-yoi philosophy. Any character from the Opal Empire may choose one of the following elements and gain the benefit thereof (Earth, Air, Fire, Water) "And a fifth element, I know no word for it in your tongue. Ukiyo. It is what makes things alive. And at the same time, it is the fact that in each living thing, is death. Its own death, and all life feeds on death. It is living, and the destiny of the living. Your language lacks poetry. It has no term..." "Wyrd," the Vanirman says. The Jō-yoi casts a sharp glance at the Vanirman, and a moment later...nods.   There are four separate regions of Higara, each with its own distinct characteristics and leadership:   Shinryu Province:   Geography: Nestled in the eastern part of Higara, Shinryu Province is characterized by lush forests, mist-covered mountains, and serene lakes. Leadership: The province is ruled by the honorable Lord Kazuki Himura, a wise and just samurai lord. He is known for his exceptional swordsmanship and commitment to the Bushido code.   Kasai Prefecture:   Geography: Located in the southern part of Higara, Kasai Prefecture is a region of volcanic landscapes, hot springs, and terraced rice fields. Leadership: The fiery Lady Akemi Emberheart governs Kasai with a firm hand. As a skilled fire sorceress, she combines her magical prowess with traditional martial arts, earning the respect of her subjects.   Yūgen Territory:   Geography: Situated in the northern reaches, Yūgen Territory is a land of icy tundras, frozen lakes, and ancient shrines hidden in the snow. Leadership: Yūgen is ruled by Lord Takeshi Frostblade, an enigmatic and stoic figure. A master of ice magic and a skilled tactician, he maintains a vigilant defense against external threats.   Kazan Dominion:   Geography: Occupying the western expanse, Kazan Dominion features bamboo forests, serene gardens, and interconnected waterways. Leadership: The wise and diplomatic Lady Mei Ling governs Kazan Dominion. Known for her skill in diplomacy and intricate court politics, she leads with a focus on harmony and cultural pursuits.   These regions form a diverse tapestry within Higara, each showcasing unique landscapes, cultural practices, and leadership styles.