
Jingle was born into a clan of goblins who were known for their love of pranks and mischief. However, Jingles was different. He had no sense of humor and found the antics of his kin to be pointless and juvenile. Instead, he was drawn to the darker side of their culture, the side that revelled in the fear and pain of others. As a young goblin, Jingles found that he had a talent for stealth and thievery. He would often sneak away from his clan to practice his skills, stealing from nearby villages and towns. One day, he was caught in the act by a group of humans who were travelling through the area. Rather than punish him, they saw potential in the young goblin and offered him a place in their mercenary company, the Scales of Famine.   Jingle saw this as an opportunity to hone his skills and escape the meaningless pranks of his kin. He quickly rose through the ranks of the Scales, using his abilities to gather intelligence and sabotage the enemy. However, his methods were often brutal and he showed no mercy to those who stood in his way.   Despite his lack of humor, Jingle adopted the persona of a scary jester, using his twisted sense of entertainment to strike fear into the hearts of his enemies. His appearance was unnerving, with a painted white face and black eyes that seemed to pierce the soul. He would often use his small size and agility to dart around the battlefield, striking at his enemies with his dagger and disappearing into the shadows before they could retaliate.   Jingles' reputation for ruthless efficiency and his unnerving presence made him a valuable asset to the Scales, but few members of the company dared to get too close to him. He remained a solitary figure, always on the fringes of the group, and his lack of humor and emotion made it difficult for others to connect with him. However, when the company needed someone to get a job done quickly and quietly, Jingles was always the first to be called upon.

Junior Officer

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