
The Infinite Desert is the second-largest region in Valorian. Bounded on the west by the Granite mountains and the east by the green forests of the Opal Empire, the desert is virtually uncrossable and considered by many impassable. In spite of this, the Khem-hor have mastered the moving sands and built a mighty empire there. Bronze skinned and currently hairless as a fashion, the men of the Infinite desert are on the cusp of exiting the Bronze Age. They have advanced mathematics, though not as advanced as the Hazar, and are the best stonemasons in the world. Their cities, made of stone, are extremely complex, dominated by pyramids and obelisks, and elaborate geometric design. When asked by outsiders why they build their cities along such mathematically precise designs, they answer enigmatically "to reach eternity." Their traditions are based on their desert culture and the pantheon of One Thousand Gods. But recently the new Pharaoh formally abolished the priestly caste, assuming all powers thereof, and declaring Atum, a formerly obscure sun god, as the only true god thereby instituting the only known monotheistic human culture on Valorian. Though his subjects initially resisted, the Pharaoh used his nearly unlimited power to banish the priestly caste, liberate the slaves they used as currency, and brought justice to the people. As a result, when the Overlord came, the people rose up to defend the Pharaoh, their country, and their newfound way of life. But the former priests have their own ideas about who should be running the empire. Star-born Their magic derives from their study of the heavens, upon which they have mapped a detailed and elaborate map of constellations. Theirs are the most advanced star-maps in the world. They divide the sky into 9 Houses, each dominated by a major constellation. These have a significant effect on a person over the course of their life, depending on when they were born. Any character from the Infinite Desert may choose which constellation was dominant when they were born and gain the benefit thereof. Depet A'a, The Great Ship - Travel Hemta Iteru - The Three Rivers - Home Atum - The Rays of The Sun - Health Sekhet- The Hunter - Valor and persistence Sehkem - The Scepter - Justice and righteousness Mew- The Cat - Secrets and loyalty Nen - The Infant - life Pharaoh - The King - leadership Kehpesh - The Sword - wisdom Apep - The Sea Dragon - Fate, destiny Deshret Nedjem - The Desert Rose, beauty and clarity of thought. Physical beauty and/or intelligence.   There are four distinct regions within Khemhara, "The Infinite Desert," each featuring unique leadership:   Irythian Oasis:   Geography: Located in the northern part of Khemhara, Irythian Oasis is a verdant paradise amidst the desert, sustained by a hidden underground river. Palm groves and small settlements dot the oasis. Leadership: The oasis is ruled by Pharaoh Nefertari Ra-Amun, a charismatic and just leader. Nefertari is a skilled enchantress with a deep connection to the divine, earning her the respect and admiration of her subjects.   Pyramidal Necropolis of Ankhkara:   Geography: In the heart of the Infinite Desert rises the Pyramidal Necropolis, a vast complex of towering pyramids and sprawling burial grounds. The region is shrouded in mystery and ancient magic. Leadership: Overseeing the Pyramidal Necropolis is the enigmatic High Priestess Neferankh, a powerful sorceress with an affinity for necromancy. She commands the spectral guardians of the ancient tombs and maintains the delicate balance between life and death.   Sunblaze Dunes:   Geography: Stretching across the central expanse of Khemhara, the Sunblaze Dunes are an endless sea of shifting sands beneath the scorching sun. Mirages and ancient ruins are scattered throughout. Leadership: The nomadic tribes of the Sunblaze Dunes are led by the charismatic Chieftain Khufu Sandstrider. A skilled warrior and expert in desert survival, Khufu unites the tribes against common threats and navigates the treacherous sands.   Lapis Lazuli Citadel:   Geography: Nestled in the southern reaches of Khemhara, the Lapis Lazuli Citadel is a city of grand architecture adorned with precious gems. It stands as a hub of trade and magical learning. Leadership: The Citadel is ruled by Vizier Akhetre, a cunning and politically astute advisor to the Pharaoh. Akhetre is a master of arcane lore and ensures the prosperity of the city through shrewd diplomacy and magical prowess.   These regions reflect the rich and diverse tapestry of Khemhara, from mystical oases to formidable necropolises and expansive desert landscapes.             Races of the Desert The Werejackal - Shapeshifting dog-men.