
Pops was born into a proud lineage of dragonborn warriors who had served the kings of their land for generations. His family was part of the Dragon Phalanx, an elite group of dragonborn soldiers who were entrusted with protecting the kingdom and its people. Pops was raised with a strict code of honor and duty, and from a young age, he was trained in the art of combat. Pops quickly rose through the ranks of the Dragon Phalanx, demonstrating exceptional skill and bravery on the battlefield. He fought in countless battles against the enemies of the kingdom, from goblin raiders to rampaging giants. Pops was a natural leader, respected by his fellow soldiers and feared by his enemies.   However, everything changed when Rathmus, a gold dragonborn and trusted member of the Dragon Phalanx, betrayed his people and joined the forces of Saint Wagner. Rathmus had always been ambitious, and he saw an opportunity to gain more power by siding with Saint Wagner.   Pops and his fellow soldiers were betrayed by Rathmus in the midst of battle, and many of them were killed or captured by Saint Wagner's forces. Pops was one of the lucky ones, managing to escape with his life, but he was forever scarred by the betrayal of his former comrade.   Pops left the Dragon Phalanx and became a mercenary, using his combat skills to make a living as a fighter. He never forgot the treachery of Rathmus, and he dedicated himself to fighting against Saint Wagner and his minions whenever he had the opportunity. Pops was an old veteran by the time he joined the Scales, but he was still a fierce fighter, and his experience and knowledge proved invaluable to the mercenary company.

Junior Officer

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