
The Quorsiir are a newly civilized people who dominate the long, thin desert that abuts the western slopes of the Myr Mountains, from frozen desert wastes in the south to heat blasted sand in the north. Known across Valorian as "the land of magic and demons," Quorsiir is this, and more. And as with many things in a desert prone to mirages, neither magic nor demons are all they appear. Also known as the Hazar, they were a nomadic people only 300 years ago, relying on domesticated camels to cross the desert. They raided nearby cultures, and it is from the Quorsiir that the Tevas word Corsair arises. Then the Iron Wizards united the nomadic tribes and set about building a new civilization. Now, the Thaumocracy are among the most advanced human societies in the world, possessing sophisticated mathematics, astronomy, and a devotion to experimentation verging on the scientific. The Quorsiirians understand optics and anatomy, making their telescopes and medicine the best in the world. In Quorsiir, mathematics is considered another branch of magic and now very fashionable. The deserts of the Thaumocracy are popularly thought of as a "land of demons" and the Hazar agree, but they do not ascribe the same negative connotations to this term. Their native term is Djinn and they believe all of nature is populated by Djinns, who are responsible for most natural phenomena. Wind, rain, thunder. The Hazar pantheon is populated by thousands of Djinn as well as the Sun, the father god; the High Moon, the bride of god; and the two Sons of God, the Dawn Moon and the Dusk Moon. The Hazar believe these gods created the world but are absent from it, the Djinns are like demigods, overseeing life on Valorian. When a man is born, he is "adopted" by one of the nine most powerful Djinn based on what natural phenomena were manifest at the moment of his birth. Any character from the Thaumocracy may select a Demon/Djinn and gain the benefit thereof. Mih The Demon of Fog. Fog makes it easy to sneak around. Mih allows you to lie, deceive, hide your meaning, or sneak. This is not a pejorative. In the Deserts of Quorsiir, a man is considered wise who does not reveal all. Only the fool says whatever he thinks. Abhromliha, The Demon of High Clouds. Considered a good omen at birth, a character watched over by the Demon of High Clouds will have unusually good luck. Abhrapizaca, The Demon of Blue Sky. Specifically meaning "the clear blue sky of a cool, fair day," those watched over by the Demon of Blue Sky have special destinies. Fated to be leaders, influential, powerful men. Durokam Demon of Hot Wind. The hot wind is not as apparently dangerous as the burning sand or the sandstorm, and so more people die from it than any other condition. It parches, it drains the water and salt out of a man, and saps his strength. Those born under Durkoam will face difficult times, but are born with the strength to weather them. Zitalavata, The Demon of Cool Breeze. A cool breeze is a blessing, bringing aid and comfort to all touched by it. Those watched over by Zitalavata are healers and diplomats, healing wounds and conflicts with equal ease. Abhivarsa, The Demon of Rain. Rain can be a blessing and a curse. It causes plants to grow and flower, but it washes away roads and floods towns. A man under Abhivarsa is strong, but quick to anger. Smart, but careless. Daha Marupatha, The Demon of the Burning Sand. Under the heat of the sun, the sand itself becomes your worst enemy, burning anything it touches. Those born under Daha Maruptha are considered power, terrible enemies. Marupatha Pavaka, The Demon of the Sand Storm. Akta, The Demon of Night.   Races From The Thaumocracy Nyar - An intelligent, bipedal cat-people native to the desert sands. Known for their stealth and swiftness, they are powerful fighting dervishes.   There are five distinct regions within Quorsiir featuring unique leadership:   City of Eternal Sands - Qalb al-Ramal:   Geography: Situated at the heart of Quorsiir, the City of Eternal Sands is a sprawling metropolis adorned with golden domes and intricate minarets. It is surrounded by an oasis of enchanting, ever-shifting sands. Leadership: Sultan Harun al-Qasr, a wise and just ruler, governs Qalb al-Ramal. Known for his magical insight, Harun is an accomplished sorcerer who maintains the delicate balance of power within the city.   Whispering Dunes of Djinni's Embrace:   Geography: The vast expanse of the Whispering Dunes is home to nomadic tribes and mystical creatures. The dunes seem to whisper secrets carried by the wind, and ancient ruins lie buried beneath the sands. Leadership: Emirah Zafira Windwhisper, a skilled diplomat and a sorceress of the air, leads the nomadic tribes. Zafira is known for her ability to communicate with elemental beings and harness the power of the ever-changing winds.   Sapphire Oasis of Marid's Reflection:   Geography: This hidden oasis is a lush and magical haven amid the arid desert. The waters of the Sapphire Oasis are said to have healing properties, and it is surrounded by vibrant gardens and ancient libraries. Leadership: Caliph Azizah al-Nazari oversees the Sapphire Oasis with grace and wisdom. An accomplished wizard, Azizah delves into ancient arcane knowledge to ensure the prosperity and well-being of her people.   Mystic Bazaars of Al-Zahir Market:   Geography: Al-Zahir Market is a bustling trade hub where vibrant tents and stalls overflow with exotic goods, magical artifacts, and mystical creatures. The market is a meeting place for people from all corners of Quorsiir. Leadership: Grand Vizier Jafar al-Mystara, a master of illusion and enchantment, governs Al-Zahir Market. Jafar is not only a shrewd political figure but also a guardian of ancient secrets hidden within the market's labyrinthine alleys.   Iridescent City of Jinn's Resplendence:   Geography: Perched atop crystalline cliffs overlooking the Myr Mountains, the Iridescent City is a marvel of magical architecture. Its buildings shimmer with iridescent hues, and cascading waterfalls of liquid gems flow through the city. Leadership: Sultana Samira al-Nur, a sorceress of light and illusions, rules the Iridescent City. Sultana Samira is known for her mastery over illusions that create breathtaking displays of light during special festivals, showcasing the city's magical splendor.   These regions capture the essence of Quorsiir, featuring enchanting cities, nomadic landscapes, mystical oases, and bustling marketplaces, each ruled by leaders with unique magical abilities and diplomatic skills.