
Dominated by scrubland, Rioja is a hardy land that birthed a hardy and adventurous people. Their sailors are the great explorers of the world, bringing trade and culture to all the regions of Valorian. They are outgoing, theatrical and dress flamboyantly. They value quickness of reflex and of wit, as well as reading and writing. They are the most literate people in Orden, only the Iom come close. But for the Riojan, philosophy is useless. Morality, ethics, logic, theology, all exist in the poem, song, and above all, the stage. The men of Rioja are amongst the most multi-talented in the world, considering it each man's responsibility to master writing, reading, oratory, music, cooking, dancing, duelling, sailing. Lofty goals, and only a few men achieve the ideal. But all Riojans aspire to it. Riojans favor light armor and light weapons for maximum maneuverability, and they have a long tradition of thief-heroes, being only one of two peoples in Valorian to have a God of Thieves. Yet while Rioja produces the best thieves they do not produce the best spies.   The regions within Rioja are:   Vineheart Valley:   Geography: Rolling hills covered with sprawling vineyards characterize Vineheart Valley. The region is known for its wine production, and the air is filled with the scent of ripening grapes. Elegant estates and charming villages dot the landscape. Leadership: Baroness Isabella Ravencourt, a charismatic and cunning noble, governs the Vineheart Valley. Her influence in the wine trade and knack for diplomacy make her a key player in Riojan politics.   Mariner's Haven:   Geography: Nestled along the rugged coastline, Mariner's Haven is a bustling port city with lively markets, crowded docks, and tall ships preparing for daring voyages. The sea breeze carries tales of adventure and fortune. Leadership: Admiral Henri d'Lorraine, a seasoned naval commander, leads Mariner's Haven. His focus is on maintaining naval supremacy and securing trade routes. The harbor is a strategic asset, making d'Lorraine a respected figure in Riojan maritime affairs.   Ptolus, the City by the Spire:   Geography: Ptolus, the capital city of Rioja, is a sprawling metropolis with narrow cobblestone streets, towering spires, and hidden alleyways. The city is known for its mysterious charm and vibrant nightlife. Leadership: Following the mysterious death of the Prince, Ptolus is in political turmoil. The major houses vie for control. The power vacuum has turned Ptolus into a hotbed of political intrigue, with each house plotting and scheming to place its candidate on the throne. The fate of Ptolus hangs in the balance as the major houses engage in a high-stakes waiting game, waiting for a new leader to emerge and claim the throne, shaping the destiny of Rioja.   Highpeak Stronghold:   Geography: Nestled in the mountainous region of Rioja, Highpeak Stronghold is a formidable fortress built into the rugged peaks. The mountain passes leading to the stronghold are treacherous, providing a natural defense against potential invaders. This mountainous region serves as a strategic stronghold, providing a natural barrier against external threats and adding an additional layer of complexity to Riojan politics and defense. Leadership: Lord Cedric Ironhelm, a stern and battle-hardened lord, rules over Highpeak Stronghold. Known for his tactical brilliance and unwavering commitment to the defense of Rioja, Lord Ironhelm commands the loyalty of skilled mountain warriors and defends Rioja's western border.