
Vanigar, The Uttermost North. An arctic land surrounding a massive bay, the Uttermost North lies to the north of the Iron Forest. The men of the Uttermost North are called The Vanir. They are barbarians by any normal definition of the word. 1,000 years ago, the Gol invaded their lands when the Vanir were still hunter-gatherers. Slowly, Vanir culture and Gol culture merged as the Gol slowly died out. While some Gol wizards can still be found in secluded towers, the Vanir are once again the dominant people of the North. Eight clans, originally created by the Gol after the Vanir lost the last war between the two peoples. Each clan is led by a Jarl, who once paid tribute to the Gol king, and the structure of the Clans mimics the structure of the family. The Vanir do not respect land, or property, but they do respect family. Vanirmen are the physically largest in Valorian. they value strength and bravery, and seek an honorable death in battle. They also believe strongly in the notion of Fate, which they call Wyrd Any character from the Uttermost North may choose one of the following clans and gain the benefit thereof.   Hellseeker - The Hellseeker clan have a long tradition of fighting demons and the undead. They are a wild, fierce clan, used to spending long periods of time in the Iron Forest or on the ice of the White Lands. They traditionally do not mix well with other clans. The Hellseekers have seen things that would harrow a normal man, and willingly accept the burden of protecting the clans from the terrors of the south. This experience changes the Hellseekers and makes them strangers in their own lands. Leader: Jarl Ulfrik Hellrender Description: Jarl Ulfrik is a battle-hardened warrior known for his relentless pursuit of creatures from the Abyssal Wastes. He has led the Hellseeker Clan through many skirmishes against demons and the undead, forging a reputation for fearlessness.   Dawnrunner - The Dawnrunners pride themselves on their geographic knowledge of the Uttermost South. They are fleet of foot with a reputation for being good-natured and friendly. They make it a point to know who is coming and going through the barbarian lands. They are the closest thing the barbarians have to diplomats. Leader: Jarl Sigrid Swiftfoot Description: Jarl Sigrid is a fleet-footed and diplomatic leader, responsible for maintaining knowledge of the lands beyond Vanigar. Her friendly demeanor and swiftness in both word and deed make her a respected figure among the other clans.   Skywhisper - The Skywhisperers are a deeply spiritual clan. Legends claim the Skywhisperers know the secrets of moving into the Ghost World, where the ancestors live. Skywhisperers are known for being in tune with nature, and deeply meditative. They smoke Starvine, the moss that alters consciousness. Leader: Jarl Eirik Stormcaller Description: Jarl Eirik is a deeply spiritual leader with a profound connection to the celestial forces. Known for his meditative practices and ability to communicate with the spirits, he guides the Skywhisper Clan with a sense of divine purpose.   Earthshaker - "Earthshaker" is an ancient Gol word for mammoth. The Earthshaker clan once domesticated and rode mammoths, but that was long ago. Now they ride the massive, fur-hooved Kien. The mammoth rarely come north now and the Earthshakers have lost the lore of taming and riding the giant beasts. Leader: Jarl Gunnar Stoneheart Description: Jarl Gunnar is a master stonemason and builder, overseeing the construction of megalithic structures that serve as both calendars and centers of worship. His wisdom and dedication to tradition make him a revered leader among the Earthshaker Clan.   Nighthunter - The Nighthunters are the only nocturnal clan among the Ten. In the summer, they spend their days sleeping in caves. In the winter, they re-inhabit their longhouses, built to prevent light from coming in. At night, they waken, and begin their patrol of the forest and coastlines. They hunt and guard the other Clans while they sleep. Many of the dangers and terrors of the South live by night, and often the only thing standing between a prowling night creature and a sleeping family of Vanirmen is the Nighthunter Clan. Leader: Jarl Astrid Shadowstalker Description: Jarl Astrid leads the Nighthunter Clan with a strong focus on nocturnal activities. Her warriors are expert night patrols, guarding the other clans while they sleep. Astrid's leadership ensures the safety of Vanirmen during the perilous night.   Hawkrider - The Hawkriders are the only clan to live permanently in the Iron Forest. They make the mountain peaks their home and rarely make settlements on the ground. Their communities are called Aeries. Like the other clans who share their homes with wolves, and the Earthshakers who do the same with horses, the Hawkriders are bound to the Great Hawks of the South. Unlike the Earthshakers, who all ride, only the Olmen and the Jarl of the Hawkrider clan are allowed to ride the great winged beasts. Though they cannot speak, the Great Hawks are intelligent. They fight for and with the Hawkriders, but consider allowing another to ride on their backs a great privilege. Only in times of great strife will the Hawks allow common warriors on their backs, and even then, only warriors of the Hawkrider clan. Leader: Jarl Olaf Skywarden Description: Jarl Olaf is a skilled rider of the Great Hawks, making his home in the mountain peaks known as Aeries. His leadership is marked by a symbiotic relationship with the intelligent Great Hawks, and only the Olmen and the Jarl are allowed to ride these majestic creatures.   Stoneshaper - The Stoneshapers are the master masons of the Vanir. They are responsible for carving the hill-tombs of the Jarls, as well as erecting the megalithic standing stones which the Vanir use as calendars and centers of worship. Leader: Jarl Ingrid Stoneweaver Description: Jarl Ingrid is a masterful mason responsible for carving hill-tombs and erecting standing stones. Her leadership ensures the preservation of Vanir traditions, and her skills contribute to the sacred structures that dot the Vanigar landscape.   Oakhammer - The great forest-warriors of the Clans, the Oakhammers guard and serve the forest that provides so much of the Vanirmen's livelihood. The animals and intelligent denizens of the forest respect the Oakhammer Clan more than the other Vanir. Each Oakhammer settlement is centered around a large, living Oak from which the family gains its strength. Leader: Jarl Bjorn Treeguardian Description: Jarl Bjorn is a forest-warrior dedicated to guarding and serving the expansive forest that provides for the Vanirmen. His kinship with the creatures of the forest, especially the massive living Oak at the heart of their settlement, strengthens the Oakhammer Clan's bond with nature.   Races of the Uttermost North Half-giants/Goliaths Ruk - The Ruk are intelligent, bipedal polar bear men inhabiting the northernmost reaches of the Great Bay.