
Before the Overlord came, Vaslorians ruled themselves. The King secured the rule of law and his Dukes, Counts, and Barons governed the people, Knights enforced the law, and the Churches watched after the people's immortal souls. Minstrels sang songs of courtly love, while Knights tilted for fair maiden's hand. It was a splendid land, and the Law of Chivalry gave every man something to aspire to. But then Wagner came, and everything changed. Vasloria The largest in area of the 7 Regions of Valorian, Vasloria is a land of rolling, hilly plains once covered with forest primeval. Many forests still remain and some are still called by the ancient name: Wode The Wodes are places of high magic where the immortal Fairy Elves await the return of their creators, the Celestials. The men of Vasloria value plain speaking and hard work. The people are called the Tevas-Gol, ancestors of the ancient, bronze-age, Gol and the more advanced Tevas who conquered them. The culture is strictly feudal, and most people aspire to follow the Code of Chivalry.


The largest in area of the eight regions of Valorian, Vasloria is a land of rolling, hilly plains once covered with forest primeval.   Vasloria is broken up into Six major Kingdoms. Aendrim, Corwell, Rhole, Graid, Farrow and Tull


Vasloria has experienced several waves of settlement. The earliest people were barbaric humans called the Gol. The land was at that time one primeval forest, ruled by the elven king of the Foxglove Court, Máelodor Ryllearnan, who fought against the invading human Gol, after they killed his queen. They were hunted by the king, until they summoned the demon Taamgul, who slew Máelodor and dragged him down into the Abyssal Wastes. The Gol thereafter conquered much of the region, and over time developed a bronze-age society. The second wave of people to occupy Vasloria were the more advanced Tevas, from the land of Ephesus. They were led king Tristan Vaslor, who attacked the Gol. The Gol summoned demons yet again, but the king defeated them with the soul-drinking sword maethelgas, from the Temple of Primordial Chaos. The Gol were defeated and mixed with the Tevas. Tristan thus conquered Vasloria in his name and ruled for three hundred years, until maethelgas turned him against his dukes in search of more power. In the civil war that followed, Tristan was killed, but returned in undeath and ruled for 10 more years as the Dead King, until being defeated by Adun and Cavall, who banished him to the Abyssal plane.   Little of the early Tevas-Gol civilization remains as they were in turn conquered by the Caelian Empire.   After the Fall of the Empire Vasloria was left in ruins devolving into a series of feudal states. At one point a majority of these duchies were united by Good King Ohmundson and his Dragon Phalanx who ruled over a peaceful land for nearly 7 decades before he was betrayed by Rathmus and slain by Wagner in his 75th year. That was 5 decades ago.   Now much of the land is Lawless Wilderness, littered with dangerous Caelian and Gol ruins, as the people who still make it their home stick to the established and well protected baronies.