Wagner takes Vasloria

One of Wagner’s earliest conquests was the region of Vasloria. Good King Ohmundson's Dragon Phalanx and wizard Vitae resisted him, but Mortiz created the Warbreed to be Wagners' elite fighters and defeated Vitae in single combat, shattering his mind and allowing Wagner to gain considerable ground in the war. In the end, the commander of the Phalanx' Gold Dragonflight, Rathmus, was convinced to join Wagner’s side and this betrayal allowed for King Ohmundson to be killed; it is unclear whether it was Rathmus or Wagner himself who slew the king, however. Wagner also killed the next highest ranking nobles, the dukes, leaving only the smaller barons to defend their baronies. Declaring himself to be a Saint, he proceeded to destroy almost all the churches in Vasloria.   Wagner made deals with the nearby communities of dwarves and elves; the dwarves would provide slaves and the elves would provide him with magical artifacts and in return they were allowed to live mostly as they had before. The Orchid Court was one such elvish community; this surrender enraged the princess Sariel, and she began adventuring to eventually become powerful enough to destroy Wagner.   The Lady of Brass and the Chariot of War both separately attempted to defeat Wagner while he was focused in Vasloria, and both failed and had their flying fortresses thrown from the skies. The Lady of Brass landed in the barony of Oll, and the Chariot of War's flying pyramid crashed in the grey wastes.   Wagner’s next target was Khemhara in the Infinite Desert to the east of Vasloria, where he waged war for many years.