Kille Plains

The Kille Plains are a beautiful, flowered expanse of green grass with pockets of sparse wood and narrow streams. The surface of the once-intricate Halfling burrows, the tunnels and homes beneath have either collapsed or been abandoned for generations.   After the Great Sacrifice, the Kille Plains were one of the few places in Vals'kar that hadn't directly seen the violence of the Godwar. Instead, it remained a place of tranquility and love. The Consumed found no source of power in the plains, and many attribute the good-nature of Halflings to the unbroken spirit of the Celorians that used to live here.   The unmapped tunnels and houses beneath the plains are most often stumbled upon, or rather into, after periods of heavy rain. The saturated ground swallows those walking upon it, dropping them into the hollowed structures below. To the horror of those who fall into them, the houses and tunnels are seldom empty, offering a brief glimpse into the horrors the Halflings of Kille faced during the war.   When the townsfolk of Kille learn of another breach, they are quick to lay rest to the exposed dead, but unfortunately there is some profit to be made in looting the graves.


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