Shortridge Mountains

The Shortridge Mountains are a mostly rounded group of ancient mountains in north-eastern Astagua. The range spans from just south of the Havswallow River to the north-eastern tip of the Astagua peninsula. Much of its cave systems have sunk far beneath the surface, leading credence to the idea that they have been crushed by time. Those that have survived the ever-growing weight of the world are likely filled with the world's darkest and most vile creatures.   Unique to the Shortridge Mountains is a phenomena known as Skyfire, which appears approximately every 90 days. Many believe that Skyfire is linked to the Fields of Eclipse and the supernatural happenings that go on there, but there hasn't been a discovered cause or connection linking the two other than the repetetive and continual coincidence of timing. In any case, it appears as a swirling river of red and orange light over the mountains and aforementioned fields. The river trickles in just after sundown and dries just before dawn; it is an incredibly beautiful sight, one the Iaak are intimately familiar with.


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