Black Oak Hall

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Hunting is a popular activity for anyone who lives near the forest. Hunting cabins were popular to build, though due to the habits of the quarry, they were never built to last more than a year or two. Black Oak Hall started as one of these cabins and was built by the Bear King's grandfather, King Petrak III. He was known to be an avid sportsman and loved nothing more than spending a few months in autumn taking his dogs out to the various cabins and seeing what game he could bag. He also brought his sons to the cabins. During the harsh winters, the villagers would often used the cabins or tear them down for firewood. The weak construction was suitable for this kind of work, and they weren't meant to last anyways.   The cabin that would become Black Oak Hall was different. The game wasn't very good in that area, but it was easy to access and only a day's walk from the nearest village. King Petrak in his later years tore down the cabin and began construction of a proper hunting lodge like the ones he'd seen in his visit to Otorveia. He made sure to build kennels and stables near the hall, and there was an entire wing dedicated to hunting trophies.   Since then, Black Oak Hall has become a favorite place of Dutan's royal family. They enjoy going there year after year, and it's seen as a great honor to be invited to the hall. The construction looks out of place, but it also gives the hall its character. It's also been rebuilt due to multiple fires. One consumed the stables, another burned most of the north wing where the bedrooms were. The first fire which occurred shortly after Petrak II's death burned the entire lodge to the ground. His son was determined to recreate the hall exactly as he remembered it and insisted on hiring the same architect who was otherwise retired and used the same blueprints which were thankfully sored in the archives in Praetan.
Manor house / Meeting hall

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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