Blind Mage

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Khaliasera Louvaneral (a.k.a. Khalia)

The Blind Mage was once an elf named Khaliasera Louvernal who lived in the Zenerem Forest in the northern part of Kos. She was raised by her mother and showed early talent with Transmutation magic. She believed her father was an elf from across the river who died prior to her birth. According to her mother, his dying wish was for their child to be raised with her mother's people. She studied with the best mages in northern Kos and had a bright future ahead of her. When she was 70 years old, she ventured out to the edge of the forest and saw a village with a lone Iltaufaya tree at its center. Intrigued, she returned home and asked her mother about the tree. However, instead of an answer, she was rebuked for going to the edge of the forest. Her mother's anger was uncharacteristic which only raised Khaliasera's suspicions. Despite being banned from visiting the edge of the forest, she continued to visit everyday watching the human villagers. Come spring, they held a festival honoring Tauna, and there was a procession led by a woman with long dark hair that resembled her mother.   The next year, she joined the festivities in secret. She learned that they worshipped Tauna because there was once an elf who blessed the land and brought bountiful harvests. At planting, they still honored the goddess in hopes for more good harvests. Khaliasera returned home and demanded answers from her mother about the village. Scared of losing her only daughter, she broke down and confessed that she fell in love with a man from the village. She left the forest and lived among the humans believing in her heart that she'd settle down there. But when she became pregnant, she realized that life among humans could only lead to heartbreak as they aged and she did not. She couldn't bear the pain of having to watch her beloved husband pass away before her. Khaliasera was hurt and angry that half of who she was had been hidden from her.   However, news quickly spread that she wasn't a full blooded elf, and Khaliasera found herself outcast from those she once called friends. After a few years, she left and went to live with the villagers who hailed her as their prayers answered. She couldn't bring rain like her mother, and eventually, drought brought on poor harvests and famine. She returned to the forest to beg for help, but she was turned away. The troubles of humans didn't concern the elves. Undeterred, she took to stealing the food and provisions that the humans needed often disguising them as other things. She studied illusion magic, and along with what they needed to survive the winter, she stole magic tomes and priceless manuscripts so that the villagers could learn the magic, too. She stole books about alchemy to study and use to heal the sick and wounded.   Eventually, she was caught and punished for her crimes. The elves banished her from the forest and blinded her. She was left at the edge of the forest to fend for herself. The villagers found her weeping and helped her back to their homes. Though she couldn't read, she asked some of the villagers to read to her so that she could continue to study magic to help humans. When the epidemic came, she wandered between villages offering her services as a healer. Eventually, she helped guide the fleeing survivors towards the fertile land where they founded Rekkert. She lived there for a time before taking a journey alone and only returning to Rekkert as a demigod and patron of the city.   Khalia is worshipped as a goddess of healing by the humans. Among the elves, she's Khalia the Deceiver known for her trickery. They see her as a traitor to her own kind and believe that she walks the woods trying to lure elf children away from their homes. They describe her as appearing as a beautiful elf, but she eventually reveals her true self as twisted and rotten before robbing elves of their knowledge and sight. Her victims wander aimlessly unable to remember who they are. Even speaking her name invites her closer to her next victims. As a goddess of thieves, every missing item is blamed on Khalia.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Khalia the Deceiver
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tan skin

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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Jul 28, 2024 19:12 by Alan Byers

A very interesting twist on an antagonist!

Aug 14, 2024 15:52 by Elizabread

Thank you for the comment!

Check out my world Valtena!
Aug 14, 2024 17:07 by Alan Byers

It's well deserved, a very relatable and organic path to goodhood. I hope you expand on her!