Go Safely Home

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Go Safely Home is a charity organization in Ivran dedicated to making sure that members of the general public get home safely. They rely on volunteers to wander around the city at night and offer assistance to anyone who is too drunk, high, or feels like they need help getting home. For people who are passed out drunk, they help carry people to the nearest temple to safely recuperate. They also help lost kids find their parents or stay with them until help arrives. Volunteers are trained to perform basic emergency medical aid, and they carry special magical beacons if there's a situation where they need additional assistance. Volunteers can either operate solo or as a pair depending on the time of day and location. For people who are truly lost, they can be brought to a GS House where there are a few beds and basins for washing up. Any personal effects are written down at intake, bagged, and left beside the owner. It's not uncommon for people to lose things prior to encountering a GSH volunteer, and the intake form helps alleviate those problems.   They also work closely with local law enforcement in case people get violent with volunteers. Many volunteers will linger around bars and taverns to assist the patrons. During the day, they also volunteer at big events helping people their way back to family or friends. Every festival has at least one GSH tent. Volunteers also carry simple packs with them to help people who may just need a quick pick-me-up before going on their merry way. A vial of magical water to help with hangovers or a small cookie for nausea. They also carry special salts if they need to wake someone quickly.   Many of the donations for their operation come from the Lokkaidians, and it's fairly common for people who received services to leave a small tip. It's never mandatory, and the organization is well aware that many of the people who need to stay the night with them come from the poorer parts of the city. The head office is run by a committee board that makes decisions for the organization and coordinates activities between the local offices. Local offices are primarily responsible for their own recruiting and keep a small permanent staff on hand. GSH only operates in Ivran, though some people from out of town have asked if they could set up offices in other cities. The volunteers know most of the inns and taverns, so people who get lost and aren't local only need to say the name of where they're staying to get back safely.

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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Aug 14, 2024 16:06

What a neat organization! Fun, unique, useful idea.

If you're seeing this, I may have used your article for my 2024 Reading Challenge.
Aug 14, 2024 16:30 by Elizabread

Thanks for the comment!

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