Korved sal Vandrevju

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Korved was originally born in the northern part of Dutan to a tribe of catfolk. He spent his kittenhood in the forests and was known as Kjarme. He grew up mostly nocturnal and learned to have a deep respect for the forest and the life within it. In particular, worship of Amel was important, and Korved took on the practice of leaving the best part of every meal out for the god as an offering. When he was five years old, missionaries accompanied by adventurers showed up and began preaching the importance of worshipping Kana the sun. They were met with resistance, but the newcomers refused to leave until the catfolk "saw the light". Some converted and found new power and status amongst the missionaries. One night, he was out hunting late and came back to see some of the adventurers tampering with the tribe's food supply.   Shortly after, the catfolk started to fall sick from eating the contaminated food. The missionaries tried to use it as a way to show that they'd lost favor with Amel and should turn their attention to the sun, even going so far as healing those who agreed to convert. Korved stood up and declared that the missionaries were poisoning the people, but he was met with accusations of being a liar and an agent of evil. Under threat of death, Korved fled at his family's insistence. He eventually came to Rekkert and moved in living on the streets. He remains haunted wondering what happened to his family.   He met a young human boy named Ansuch who helped heal him after being injured by a butcher he'd been trying to steal from. The boy took pity on the young cat and invited him home. He lived with them for a year as a servant tending to the house before they agreed to adopt him as their son and renamed him Korved sal Vandrevju. Ansuch was delighted, but he soon left to start his apprenticeship with the temple. Korved remained behind helping his adoptive family run their bookstore. There, he learned to read and was particularly enamored with the stories of the famous skald Emeka Dove who was said to have been present at the slaying of the dragon lords during the Dragon War despite not being a dwarf herself.   One day when Korved was about seven, an old witch showed up just as the store was closing. She called him the Skald of Rekkert, Slayer of Wyverns. He initially laughed at the idea as he was just a bookshop keeper's apprentice. But it was no joke. She told him that fire and ash would consume the city, and not even the Blind Mage could protect them. The Bear King slumbered, but he'd need to be woken, and that the Stonesinger Flute was a particular favorite to the deaf. She also left behind a worn out book full of meandering thoughts and writings that seemed horribly disjointed and barely anything like a prophecy or prediction.   Seven years passed, and Korved took over the bookstore after his new family became too old to look after it anymore. In late autumn, a great beast descended from the mountains and covered the city in shadows. The wyvern was unmistakable, and it attacked the city. Korved barely managed to escape with his life as the bookstore burned to the ground. Even the temple was badly damaged, and many died in the attack including his parents who wouldn't escape in time. Only the tattered book survived unscathed, and Korved realized that there was more to the crone than he realized.   He took to the road searching for the wyvern and after a few days came across an elven hunter who was in pursuit of the same creature. At first, they moved quickly from village to village following the wyvern's destruction. Seeing the wreckage was more than enough motivation to hunt the monster down so it couldn't hurt more people. It didn't take long before they reached the lower steps of the Tsargis mountains and began following the monster up towards its lair. However, with winter setting in, the terrain was treacherous, and Korved became badly injured in a fall. They were forced to retreat to the nearby town of Nouvelt to recover for several weeks while Korved's leg healed.   There, they discovered that the ruling family was extracting high taxes from all the citizens for the local "beautification fund", but none of the promises had come true yet. Many villagers trusted their leaders and believed that the village would be renewed. It just took time to gather up enough funds. They were very remote, and it was expensive to hire master tradesmen from Praetan. Korved also spent most of his evenings telling the people stories. Some of them were true, while others were fabrications and recountings of the many books he'd read. The elven hunter however confronted the family about stealing from the people. He was marked as a troublemaker and ordered to leave at the first thaw. The locals didn't appreciate the accusations.   A few days prior to when they'd be forced to leave, another catfolk appeared and revealed herself to be from the same tribe as Korved was originally from. She had stolen the Stonesinger Flute from the wyvern who had added it to its horde after killing the dwarf who carried it. The theft of the flute and other artifacts proved to be the reason for the rampage. At first thaw, the trio left and began the ascent up the Ember Pass. Along the way, they ran into a cleric of the Bear King who felt a call up the mountain. Together, they ascended the pass and eventually had to break away in search of the slumbering Bear King.   Along the way, they encountered frost ghouls who allowed them safe passage through the mountains upon listening to the Stonesinger Flute. Eventually, they reached the cave where the Bear King was sleeping, and the cleric was able to rouse the god long enough to agree to assist them in killing the wyvern. They had to descend to a new part of the mountains which was known to be extremely snowy year round and very prone to storms. They spent days trapped by a blizzard and were forced to venture out into the storm or else not be able to complete the mission before the real snows of winter set in. It took weeks to finally reach the wyvern's lair.   There was a great battle even with the aid of a god before they were able to defeat the wyvern. On the way back, they were hunted by the dwarves who demanded that they were the rightful owners of the Stonesinger Flute. The dwarves caught up to the party and captured them and brought them to stand trial in their halls. While they were awaiting trial, the new leader of Nouvelt arrived as a trade emissary between Dutan and the dwarves and informed the party that they uncovered that the former leader's corruption and that he had no plans to improve the village. By village vote, the ruling family was executed for corruption, and it's now under new leadership. He helped the party now known as the Patched Cloaks leave freely so long as they left the flute behind.   On the road to Rekkert, the crone reappeared and handed Korved the worn book back. He hadn't realized he'd lost it, and the pages were now filled with the epic tale of their adventures exactly as how Korved had been trying to recount it in the evenings of their travels. Back in Rekkert, he started telling the story to any who would listen. However, it made him yearn for more adventures, and the Patched Cloaks stayed together and started to venture off in search of more adventures to go on.

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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