Larena's Cookbook

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This book of alchemical recipes was attributed to the speaker of Larena, Minna Rosara. The contents of the books however seem to be drawn from other older sources. The cookbook is still a commonly cited resource particularly for intermediate alchemists, and the recipes provided include resolutions for magical ailments which are likely to be encountered in the home. Magical fire burns, flares of wild magic, indigestion caused by eating improperly prepared magical food, and so on. Oddly, despite being alleged to a Speaker from Kealriv who notably never ventured south according to contemporaries and family, many of the recipes include ingredients which can't be found in the north.    With most of the original manuscripts lost, it's hard to identify exactly who the original authors of the recipes were. However, in 400IA, a major breakthrough occurred when a wealthy noble and known collector died from the plague. In sorting out and cataloguing his possessions, descendants came across a few old books that included recipes which were nearly identical to the ones found in the cookbook, only the books were dated to nearly fifty years prior to the cookbook's first known publication. The handwriting was markedly different. It was the first proof in a long time that proved that Larena's Cookbook wasn't written by Rosara. However, many people refused to believe it and had grown up with the remedies. Even if the new information was true, it didn't really change anything.   Copies of the book are widely in circulation, and it's popular throughout the continent. Multiple editions exist with various footnotes and alterations as editors and alchemists have made their own contributions. What's more concerning is that some people sell copies as The Larena Cookbook and rely on people not knowing the difference. This second book is filled with nonsense that doesn't really do anything at best and in some cases, offers unhelpful mythological solutions to problems. Inexperienced alchemists have been known to buy the fraudulent book in error.

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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