Liturgy of the Dusk

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The Liturgy of the Dusk is the main service performed at the temples to Ril in Otorveia. It was originally meant to be served everyday at dusk, but most people only show up on the nights of the full moon when they believe that Tauna and Ril are closest together. The liturgy starts at dusk and typically lasts for a few hours.   Upon first entering the temple, each person kneels or bows facing the sarcophagus altar. They take a special thin sheet of paper and write a prayer on it. They hold onto this paper as they enter into the main part of the temple which is a large open space reminiscent of the throne room in a palace. People stand where they can find room avoiding the center aisle. The clergy are already busy burning incense and saying prayers behind the veil. The veil is a sheet curtain drawn across the width of the main room. Behind it is a throne and the sarcophagus altar. Rooms on either side have doors that open into the main room, but those doors are usually closed.   The service begins with the priest and deacon leading prayers of thanksgiving to the living, remembrance to the dead, and supplications for a long life and an peaceful death. A few hymns are sung by the congregation. Next is the Procession of the Book in which the clergy exit out of the two side doors carrying copies of the Black Tome of the Undying and the Gaunt King's Wisdom. From the view of the congregation, the Black Tome of the Undying always comes out of the left side door, and the Gaunt King's Wisdom comes out of the right door. The people carrying the books exit the main part of the temple and re enter through the central doors representing how the texts were sent out into the world to draw the faithful back in.   The priest and deacon read specified passages from both books, and there's a homily about how the text can be applied to everyday life. Afterwards, the books are returned behind the veil. At this point, the veil then opens, and the Procession of the Throne takes place. The throne which was sitting behind the veil is brought forward signifying how the god transcends the barrier between life and death. More prayers of supplication are read, and the priest kneels down before the throne followed by the congregation kneeling or bowing. The sarcophagus which is now visible is opened.   The main event of the liturgy is the Offering where everyone in the congregation brings up their prayers and drops them in the open sarcophagus. Afterwards, the priest sets them on fire, and the smoke carries the prayers to Ril. More hymns are sung praising the lord of death for his mercy and benevolence. The throne is brought back behind the veil, and the curtain is drawn once again. Finally, the priest emerges from behind the curtain and delivers the benediction and final prayers.   Following the service, the people depart and go back to their homes to sleep. Those who are still in mourning may stay longer to say additional prayers or participate in the Memorial Service which is usually held in private with the priest, a chanter, and the mourning families.

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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Jul 29, 2024 15:45 by Tillerz

I first read Liturgy of the Duck. :D

Aug 14, 2024 15:52 by Elizabread


Check out my world Valtena!