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Rusks are a common travel food item which originated in Dutan and Kealriv. It's made from twice baked seed bread and often uses barley bread as a base. Typically, after the first bake, the bread is cut into fingers or biscuits and then baked a second time where it becomes dry and hard. The types of seeds used varies from region to region based on local availability. Besides being used as a travel snack, many people like to dip rusks in tea and other hot beverages where the bread softens to become much more palatable.   For adventurers, the most important ingredients are the seeds sprinkled on top of the bread. They discovered that the seeds of magical plants often include magical properties. For instance, adding seeds from Wild Oats makes people feel full after only a few bites. For mages, special plants are able to restore a mage's natural vigor. However, the type of magic is unique to each plant. Other types of seeds produce effects such as enhancing concentration, the ability to breathe underwater, enhanced speed, or being able to see in the dark. Many types of magical rusks allow for multiple enhancements that are weak. At best, they only last a couple of hours. Rusks made from just one kind of seed are more potent.   In Otorveia, rusks are most commonly associated with mages, but in Dutan and Kealriv, they're still served as common travel fare, and every family has their own slightly different recipe. Some people get very creative with preparation. Rusks cakes are commonly sold in Rekkert. The dough is cut into disks after the first rise, and the variety of forest seeds are added in. It's allowed to rise again before baking and comes out bun shaped. Instead of cutting it into pieces, it's baked again as it creating a darker hard crust. They're larger than the typical bread fingers served in Kealriv. Despite not being as convenient for dipping, they're still a popular snack item for travellers.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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Aug 14, 2024 01:54 by Paul

Very interesting. When these rusks made from wild oats make one feel full in only a few bites, are they actually full or is it a trap that can lead to undernourishment on the road?

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Aug 14, 2024 16:30 by Elizabread

They're actually nourishing, but wild oats can't be cultivated, so it's still a challenge to find or buy them.

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