Sand Oats Charm

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In Ekkino, it's common to see adventurers and miners walking around with pendants containing a few grains of oats suspended in liquid. Often times, there's a second charm attached to it that looks like a set of mountains. The charm is said to ward off the Breath Stealer, an invisible monster that makes it difficult to breathe until people die. Smashing the little vial and setting it on fire emits a potent green smoke that when inhaled can revive someone having their breath stolen or give back energy as it's being sapped. The effect only lasts for a few minutes, but it can be the difference between life and death for anyone who delves underground. The oats and water come from a cave in Kealriv where a deep natural underground lake is said to be one of the resting places of the Breath Stealer. The oats grow wild just outside of the cave.   Some call the charm superstitious, but for the people who believe in the Breath Stealer and moreso for the people who have lost friends to the Breath Stealer, the Sand Oats charm is a constant reminder of the Breath Stealer's threat and the importance of safety. The charms first appeared with the Ekkino Explorers Club after the tragic death of three members who were expert divers and who drowned suddenly in the Apulituli Cave and never recovered. Members wore the pendant to show solidarity with their fellow explorers and as a vow to never forget the tragedy. Several years later, experiments on the water in the cave discovered that it had an unusual reinvigorating effect.   Popularity of the charm spread first amongst other explorers and then miners who appreciated the practical use of the charm in warding off the Breath Stealer. Finally, the dwarves adopted it and added the mountain charm as a reminder that the mountains belonged to Hathchan. Since then, they've become standard equipment, and many people have forogtten the origins of the charm.

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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