Society of Agreeable Philosophers

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In perfect darkness, there is perfect light.
So perfect order begets perfect chaos.
— Passphrase for the Society of Agreeable Philosophers
  The Society as they like to be known operates under the pretenses of being a club for philosophers. In reality, they are a secret society of men who act in the name of order and truth. They oppose the Friends of the Black Snake who seek to cause disunity and strife to bring about a quicker return of Chaos. However, the Society doesn't formally claim to be affiliated with any deity. Their symbol is the radiant half moon bearing fourteen points. No one knows exactly how large the organization is, but conspiracy theorists speculate that it could have hundreds of members spread across the world. The Society is currently based in the Qunid Desert following the Great Northern War. Before then, it was based in Praetan. Membership is typically passed down through families, and outsiders are welcome through a voucher program. Those who are deemed of upstanding moral character may receive a coin of the radiant moon and instructions about where to take it. Though there is an initial sense of mystery to the Society, they often meet out in the open at libraries and cafes.   Members are encouraged to seek positions of power in order to promote the group's morals. Those without political or business aspirations often become vigilantes. In cities where the Society operates, many people have learned that abusers and other such unsavory people who aren't taken seriously by ordinary law enforcement can find due justice from the Society. Prayers to Khemina at the Temples of All Gods seem to be answered.   The Society operates primarily as independent clubs with slightly different processes across cities. They only operate in urban centers where such clubs are common. The radiant moon is the only identifying marker, and many clubs have a mage who can make the coin appear as something else entirely to avoid detection.   In Ivran, they are closely associated with the Lokkaidians and work to oppose the immoral character of the city. Overall, they're not well liked due to being moral purists and prone to judgement. Others find their commitment to truth to be too harsh. Women are expressly forbidden from joining the Society, though they are open to all sapient species.

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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Aug 4, 2024 19:44 by Marjorie Ariel

I love the complexity of them fighting corruption, but clearly have their own issues (not allowing women, possibly too harsh, etc.)

Aug 14, 2024 15:56 by Elizabread

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Aug 16, 2024 19:23 by Menatith

Totally agree with barriesaxxy on the complexity. I also just love the vibe of the coin with the radiant moon and the "out in the open and yet in the shadows" way of operating.

Aug 17, 2024 00:37 by Elizabread

Thank you for the comment!

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