Summer Camp 2024 Homework

This article contains basic information. It's not yet in the in-world style. If you'd like to learn more about this topic, please let me know so I can finish writing this article!
This article is still a Work in Progress. It's still receiving updates to content, formatting, or links. Please check back later for the final version!
This article is a stub and contains minimal information. If you'd like to learn more about this topic, please let me know so I can add basic information.

Oh so shiny Diamond!

Week 1

Assignment 1

Change is an interesting topic, and as I was going through the foundational documents in my world, I've realize that I've been neglecting some of the major conflicts that are ongoing. For this summer camp, I really want to delve into exploration and expeditionary groups. Two are mentioned as main conflicts. The first is an expedition into The Great Expanse which has uncovered a radical secret--seemingly immortal guardian beasts might not be immortal after all. The second group was part of a mercantile outreach program to reconnect Otorveia with inland Akea. The group has gone missing, and no one knows why. This marks a change from how things used to be where attempts were repulsed but not absent.

Assignment 2

Last year, I was able to write responses for all 42 prompts! 300 words per prompt is very achievable for me, so I'm confident that I can write for all the prompts again this year. I also want to try and write a few more full articles, For that, my goal is to write 16 completed articles this month. I love having ideas on the page, but I also want to push myself to flesh them out more. As always, completed articles for Valtena are written from an in world perspective.

Assignment 3

Other than the prompt page, all of my summer camp articles (including this one!) can be found with the sc2024 tag. They can also be found in Challenge Quarantine where they'll live until judging is completed in August. You can find this article, the prompt list article, and the August reading challenge in Challenges.

Assignment 4

This week was a good reminder to go back to what I had written down in Introduction to Valtena. The main conflicts are something I want to go back and explore, particularly the more exploratory aspects of my world.

Week 2

Assignment 1

For refuges, I definitely want to write about some of the pilgrimmage sites in the world and also a deity associated with tranquility. I'm not really sure how to tackle this one beyond the obvious site of refuge.

Assignment 2

My friends and chapter Articles Anonymous are a great source of accountability and also getting to share in the excitement of summer camp! I'm also looking forward to seeing what everyone is going to do.

Assignment 3

I'm not really sure how to improve the styling. I might make a few more custom containers, but overall, the styling options currently available to me are more than plenty. I really like that nearly all of my world's formatting is just regular bbcode and doesn't rely too heavily on grandmaster only features.

Assignment 4

I still really love the CSS I got last year from Spleen, so I'm not going to be adjusting that. Having a custom theme at all makes me so happy, and please go check out Spleen's work.

Week 3

Assignment 1

Belief is extremely important to the people in the world. They know that the gods are real and have real influences over their lives. I've been meaning to go into more detail about them, and besides the major Gods of Creation, there are a lot of minor gods and demigods that I haven't had the chance to develop and explore.

Assignment 2

For this summer camp, I'm most likely going to be drawing inspiration from the animes that I've been watching and the recent spurt of playing more Black Desert Online. I haven't been reading anything lately. I also want to include some ideas from my work and the wild transportation related stories that I'm learning about.

Assignment 3

I'm not much of an artist, so most of my world doesn't have pictures. I like using Watabou for city maps, and I have Wonderdraft for region and world maps.

Assignment 4

I've been watching Frieren and Delicious in Dungeon recently which have given me some ideas about including heroes and handling long lived races. Also, I've been playing Wanderhome which is great for generating ideas about more calm and pastoral locations rather than darker and gritty ideas that I usually drift towards.

Week 4

Assignment 1

In Valtena, my obvious go-to for decay is The Great Expanse and the ramifications of the land being blighted. However, I also want to explore more about the demigods related to death and also political or cultural decay. However, I'll have to see what the prompts are to get a better idea of how I want to tackle those topics if they come up at all.

Assignment 2

My usual workspace is my desk at work which is pretty good about staying tidy. Summer camp is a great motivator to get my work done early so that I can spend the rest of the day writing and working on my world.

Assignment 3

All in all, I like my world's homepage with links to the main primer articles and also easy navigation to big events like summer camp. The world codex uses icons to help make the categories stand out, and I really like being able to show off my favorite articles and the recent ones.

Assignment 4

My favorite part about my author profile is that it includes a little blurb about each of my worlds! I think it's a good way to show off the main ideas in just a few sentences for anyone who's interested in the various projects I may be working on and their current status.


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Jun 6, 2024 02:58 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

God bless and much success with your Summer Camp plans! <3

Jun 6, 2024 23:18 by spleen

Good luck with Summer Camp!

Have a wonderful day!