The Final Judgment

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Lo! Listen well and heed my warning. The end times are coming sooner than you know. Let it be known what I have foreseen when the world will end, and Chaos reigns. Many will try to silence me. More won't believe me. But I tell you the truth as it has been revealed by Fate herself. As you all know, Father Time seeks the prison in the Void. His journey takes eons, and the Void is ever expanding. But the day will come, mark my words, the day will come when the prison is found. And there lies Chaos waiting and scheming. Time will bind the prison in chains and seal every doorway. He will leave satisfied that no harm can come to us or to his beloved wife. Yet it pains him because in Chaos, he sees a fragment of his daughter. Essence yet lives within the very heart of Chaos, and so, Time's own heart is softened. There is but a sliver of a crack in the seal. The faintest hope that the fragment of Essence will escape and find her way home.   And so Time leaves to return to his wife across the Void. While his back is turned, and in the purest darkness of the Void, Chaos takes the first step. He slips out through that crack and follows Time back. Back to the light in the dark where we all reside. But more than that, he follows the call of himself. The hand beckons the body home. But how, you ask, can Chaos know? Because we wrought the hand ourselves. We stoked and tended to the growing Chaos within us all. And so the world feels his return and growing strength. The guardians will awaken from their slumber, and the gods will draw arms. Wars will soak the the land and waters with blood. Our leaders will go mad with greed and power. Like the wind before a storm, we will know that Chaos is coming before he strikes.   But the gods are not of one mind. Some will rebel against their eternal Mother. Others will remain true and defend the order of the world. When Time returns, his own child will strike him and begin the Final War. It is then we all must choose. To side with Fate and live in a land bright and free. Or succumb to the darkness, the dead, and the dreary. Chaos will whisper in your hearts and promise gold and bounty, but he cannot create. Only corrupt. And gold will be your chains. Bounty will be your labor as your back breaks for his glory.   The gods will war on this plane and the rest. Selene's seas will flood the land. Qazakthein's fire will rain from the skies. The gates of Ril's land will open and the dead will pour out among the living. Tauna's magic will strengthen every mage a thousandfold. Ateus's songs will become battle cries, and Dione will charge all who cross her, friend and foe alike. Hathchan will make the mountains shake and crumble. Larena will raise armies, and Menann will plow the world with famine. Amel will deceive you and change the world so you can't trust your own eyes, and Cedun will fill your mind with madness. Zyrdolros will slam doors of refuge in your face, and Khemina's stars will tell only of the war everlasting. And Valtena will do her best to protect the world she crafted as its splintered from within. And Fate in the heart of the world will be helpless to stop it for all of it was foretold.   When the seas are dry, and the land is burnt to ash. When smoke chokes out the skies, and bodies lie mangled, Chaos will descend carrying Time in his own chains. And Fate will appear out of love for her husband and grief for her daughter. And Chaos will judge every soul's worth. His allies will be revived in a pale imitation of their original selves. Twisted and in pain. Even the gods won't escape his judgment. As for the rest, he shall pluck out each soul. He shall devour them so they live in eternal torment at their disobedience. He shall rip Time into shreds before Fate so that there is neither forward nor backwards. No today, tomorrow, or yesterday. He will bind Fate in a cage like a bird forced to sing.   And so the world as we know it will cease to be. The era of Chaos will begin without end. I can see no further. Not even Fate can see what can't be foretold. Her powers stripped and twisted beyond recognition. So it shall pass. Tomorrow or next year, I cannot say. But the end will come as sure as the setting sun. And so it shall be, the night everlasting.

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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