Treaty of Five Nations

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The Treaty of Five Nations was signed in the Gellach Clan's halls. It marked the end of the Great Northern War between Otorveia, Dutan, Kealriv, Deejs, and the Tsargis Dwarves. It ended with the seige at Utgerd in 438 IA. The treaty was a great humiliation to Otorveia who was unable to conquer the northern part of the continent. They later turned their attention south to Nazara and further east. The treaty opened up provisions for trade between the various nations but in all cases, the national sovereignty of the north had to be respected.   Though the dwarves of the Tsargis mountains were represented as a single group formally, each of the clans sent delegates to the negotiating table. There were also delegates from the elves, but they weren't combatants in the war and not formally included. Mostly, the elven delegates were there to observe and record. They periodically acted as mediators when tensions ran high. The treaty also established zones that prohibited military bases larger than a town guard. For troops that needed to move through an area, limits were imposed on how many days they could stay in a single location.   There were also clauses regarding war reparations to be paid by Otorveia. This had the later consequence of driving more military efforts to try and build wealth faster to repay the debts. In particular, the Treaty of Five Nations is cited as one of the causes for Emperor Zeferon Salros to increase trade between the Fenveikuria Archipelago and mainland Kos. Other historians contest this and cite the current emperor as using trade to fund his own military conquests following the many successes of his father.   In the north, the Treaty is seen as the hallmark document that sealed their freedom. People don't fear invasion from Otorveia, and for people fleeing the empire, Dutan is seen as one of the best places to move to. Deejs has been able to maintain control over the northern strait and is a powerful merchant nation. Kealriv continues to be a center for learning, and the Treaty has allowed scholars from the empire and Kealriv to mingle freely without risking political tensions.
Treaty, Diplomatic
Vellum / Skin

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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Aug 14, 2024 17:43

The way you wrote this feels like something I would actually read in a history textbook so from that perspective, I would consider it very well done! I would love to see some hyperlinks to some of the nations involved in this treaty, to see what their level of participation in the war was. What is Otorevia's deal? Seems like they were considered the aggressor in this, a la WWI Germany? I look forward to revisiting this later!

Aug 14, 2024 20:52 by Elizabread

Thank you for the comment! I'm definitely planning on going back and adding in more details and links to other articles. Otorveia tends to be fairly imperialistic and is regularly trying to expand their borders. And sometimes failing.

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