Tsargis Mountains

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The Tsargis Mountains are the mountain range in the northern part of Kos. They're known to be rocky and frigid, and it creates a natural barrier to the northernmost part of the continent. Dwarves live under the mountain and have separated themselves into clans. They also commonly mine and work above ground harvesting ore that's closer to the surface. The mountains also contain entry points to the Deeplands, though few dwarves venture near them and know to stay away from the monsters that sometimes crawl up from the deepest depths of the mountain. Above ground, it's difficult land to traverse with the main way through the mountains being the Ember Pass. Other species mine along the foothills of the mountains, though some dwarven clans have insisted on leaving parts of the mountains untouched and protected.   During the Era of the Dragon King, the Tsargis Mountains marked the northern border of the empire. Dragons roosted in the summits, and no one had the ability to challenge them until the Third Dragon War when the dwarves were finally convinced to end their vow of neutrality and poisoned the dragon lords Vektath the Cruel and Ristam the Red. However, the dwarves refused to share the gold and treasure that was stashed in the dragon hoards which soured relations between the dwarves, humans, and elves. Later, they sided with the northern people in the Great Northern War against Otorveia and opened their halls to sign the Treaty of Five Nations.   The highest peak in the mountains is called Tarnac Mountain and is located near the northern end of the range. The southern part is known as The Spine due to how curved it is. A large portion is part of the Onada Nature Preserve which is home to several rare species of deer and birds. On the opposite side of the mountain range, the Satellamer National Park is known for glaciers and crystal hummingbirds who are somehow able to survive in the hostile environment.   Extreme weather conditions make the mountains difficult to traverse most of the year. Blizzards and snowstorms are common, and heavy rainfall along the foothills leads to various landslides. The shifting ice sheets open up deep crevasses, and the cold, thin air above the mountains makes even aerial traversal dangerous. During the short summer months, the mountains are teeming with life, and the rivers are abundant with fish that draw in even more migratory animals. Several species of wildflowers are only able to grow around the mountains, and northern Silver Pine fill the forests.
Alternative Name(s)
The Clanhome, Great Northern Mountains
Mountain Range
Location under
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Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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